February 8, 2025

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Today we decided to show you a different kind of inspiration… we gathered a few beautiful offices images to show. These are not photos from Google, Facebook or other famous offices we all talk about, these are from other companies and smaller places that also care about their employees and offer them a nice, modern and creative space. If you like to browse beautiful offices, make sure to check out Office Snapshots, a website that gathers nice pics and info from nice offices around the world, and also the source for this article.

If you want to read more about each office, click on the image, enjoy!

Parasol Island’s Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

PONS + HUOT’s Futuristic Bubbly Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

ThoughtWorks Chennai Office

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Wieden+Kennedy Headquarters

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Stelmat Teleinformatica Headquarters

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices

Beautiful and Inspiring Offices


Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr


  1. Bitten By Design - Syndey Freelancer Reply

    Those are some very nice looking office spaces! After working in some boring ones over the years, places like those make me green with envy! Certainly no grey cubicle labyrinth going on with those places. Not sure how easy the bubbles would be to keep clean though… I can just see the greasy hand prints and dust building up very quickly!

  2. John Reply

    Very interesting and inspiring selection of spaces. I don’t know that I could work under the “bubble” idea, but interesting just the same. The trees in that one were great. Thanks for putting it together.

  3. Ulrica daleroth Reply

    Always fun and inspiring to look at How other have designed and organized their offices! Very cool with the wood desks in same material as the floors. Seems like floating Office ! Have a good day !

  4. Jane Jordan Reply

    Dont think I could work in a bubble, but love the Parasol Island offices. Great inspiration for a refurb of my own studio.

  5. Shobhna Mehta Reply

    I really like bubble office with trees. It looks like you are enjoying nature even in office. Hopefully we will be having these kind of offices in future.

  6. Liz Barnard Reply

    Interestingly, these offices are not so hard to achieve. If you analyse them there is a limited palette of colour, lots of white which gives lots of light, limited range of materials including those which are not hideously expensive (concrete, wood, melamine faced chipboard) some very inexpensive lighting (e.g.Chinese paper and bamboo spheres), the odd spot of graphic colour and the occasional tree! We can all do it! Copy!


  7. NJR Reply

    Would someone please explain why there is a pool table in a library and a ping pong table in what looks like a prison? Those long tables with chairs arranged in single-file look pretty deadly to me!

  8. LeanneM Reply

    This is so inspiring. Not just as a way to think outside the box but as a way to think what kind of an office would I like to work in one day. Or what kind of an office could I create. It even makes you rethink your office at home. Such beautiful places to work and be creative!

  9. Laura chuck Reply

    Really loved this article, it’s inspiring what you can do with offices and really motivating as its amazing how much of a difference an office space can make to productivity and engagement! Brilliant design


  10. Aleks Reply

    All of these are truly terrible. Funny how the actual employee areas are the most assembly-line-like. Perhaps apart from the bubble one – all others are truly awful and uncomfortable.

  11. Roger Carr Reply

    The bench office does look highly ‘assembly line like’ – I think the cave like meeting areas in the “bubble office’ under the floor look pretty oppressive. The bubble office has a strange relationship between the desks and the bubbles – If the bubbles are for ‘concentration and privacy’ why are they part of a larger expanse of worksurface, which is rendered useless to the occupants of the bubbles? If this is for ‘collaborative work’ , why all the other spaces below? – It looks like a ‘visual concept’ interior to me and not too well thought out. Like the trees and the ‘floating steps’ though! The best of these look like ‘tempting interiors’ rather than really well thought out modern working spaces – which should be making the most of all of the benefits of today’s technology to give us truly inspiring workspaces.

  12. MHP Reply

    I hate all of these offices – the “open space” work areas look like college computer labs. Chairs lined up right next to each other at long desks with no sense of personal space or privacy – it’s a nightmare. The whole “open office” concept doesn’t promote collaboration but instead annoyance. People go into meeting rooms to collaborate anyway and just end up distracting each other in these types of settings.

  13. Denis Bousquet Reply

    In many words, I did reply, Tuesday, 11.08.11; however, submission failed to publish. ????

    In few words, open space work areas often “suck”. Far too much noise, distraction, loss of privacy and personal space, thus challenging the worker to spend time and energy defending that area that allows even a modicum of privacy. “MHP” above, 11.9.11, says as much.

  14. Ray Reply

    Very cold…like a public library. Too much concrete and wood, not enough warm, inviting. No personality. Inspiring offices? Not.

  15. Vibha Bhagwat Reply

    The bubbly “office spaces” make sense for one thing – noise reduction. For years, I worked in the vicinity of Help desk personnel, and trying to concentrate on my work while listening to them instruct customers how to power on their computers was, to put it mildly, distracting. Beside that, all I can notice is the clutter, lack of storage, and the feeling of stress that comes on from getting distracted from every movement around. If the concept is an open office, then anyone who descends into the space will see papers strewn all around and not the overall design. I’d likely miss the forest for the trees! I agree with every observation regarding fingerprints, wasted spaces, and it looking like an exercise in dreaming (in their own bubble)!

  16. Eva Grundy Reply

    you could include the offices at KDD, Ballymount, Dublin to this list
    stunning design
    used to work there
    and it was a pleasure to work in that sort of space every day!
    really lifts the spirits 🙂

  17. Ann R Keye Reply

    Yes, these are beautifully designed spaces. But whatever happened to being able to work in relative privacy? What is it with businesses thinking humans want to work one on top of the other like bees in hive? Are we all just cogs?

  18. KLS Reply

    How horrible! I pity the folks who have to work there. Acoustically, they all look like nightmares — hard surfaces, sharp angles, cement and metal. LOUD, after 10 a.m., when people are warmed up with their 2nd cups of coffee. The bubbles look like they’d get pretty hot after a while (wondering how long till the computers under them fry and the workers bake). A ping pong table in a cafeteria? Really? Can you say echo? My ears hurt, just looking at all these. It does look like people don’t/can’t actually occupy these spaces. Clearly designed by someone who hasn’t had to do knowledge work or produce anything useful – which requires at least some chance at quiet and the need to focus. Looks great on paper (or on screen) but in real life? Thanks, but no thanks.

  19. Laura Reply

    Some are really beautiful
    …the one with the glass balls is really weird. Though it has trees inside. Seems some kind of strange cloning chamber on a science-fiction movie :s

  20. Brandify Reply

    Great post, very inspiring. We are currently refurbishing our own studio. It’s not yet complete (we’re about 80% of the way there) but it’s amazing how much your workspace affects your mood and, in turn, your creativity!

  21. Mark Reply

    Beautiful, inspirational designs. Even more inspirational are the comments and feedback from people sharing their real-life experiences and heirarchy of needs as they relate to the spaces we call “at work”.

  22. Jesse Reply

    No clutter = productivity
    clutter = you have clients
    the endless struggle against clutter, the need for FOCUS. these offices are fighting the good fight against clutter… but the bubbles scare me:
    a. I would hit my face on them
    b. cleaning all the time
    c. terminal calls sound like your in a cave
    d. glare…
    e. no color options.

  23. Edgar Reply

    It’s a marvelous working spaces! Are the kind of office in witch u work without looking to the time of going home! Thank u so much to share this inspirational photos with us . . .

  24. MrsF Reply

    I’m introverted in my work style so while they were beautiful to look at I wouldn’t want to work in any of those offices day after day. Freelance might be fun but long term…. now way…how on earth would I get any work done?? No privacy. I’ll take what I have now. An old fashioned square office with a door that closes and a window that lets in natural light and I might get some work done without getting distracted by all the bells and whistles. I put some fantastic original artwork up and voila, great workspace.

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