Web Icons are used to improve web design and make it easier for visitors to use websites. They can also improve the overall look of your website. Icon designs can be simple, with flat two-dimensional drawing or a black silhouette, or complex, presenting a combination of graphic design elements. Here we have collated the following 15 new icon sets for your next web design project, and best of all, they are all free for download.
Henry JonesNovember 13, 20126 Comments04.4k
15 New Icon Sets for Your Next Web Design Project
Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
Really nice. Entypo is always a favorite. The gesture icons would be useful for walkthroughs and digital prototyping as well!
Here’s another one that has a free pack of 50 Web/UI Icons: https://thewarehousedesign.com/miniglyph.php
Crisp icon set is nice. Thanks for this, might be useful for the future.
Great collection, thank you!
Great resource! Maybe you will be interested by the Meanicons pack too: http://www.meanicons.com
Thank you for posting these! I’m always looking for good quality icon sets that are a little bit different from the same old default styles. Cheers!
Flat icons are so cute!
Thanks for sharing these great sets.