February 7, 2025

8 Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins

Whether you’re already a pro at creating responsive web sites or your just learning what it’s all about, it’s good to have some scripts handy that you can easily integrate into your site. We all know how popular image and content sliders are now, and for good reason. So we decided to round up some jQuery slider plugins that are already responsive – meaning they will adapt to the size of their container.


Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins

FlexSlider is an awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider plugin. In other words, it resizes to fit the screen on which it is displayed, and looks good doing it. We love this slider so much that we use it in our responsive WordPress themes at Theme Trust.


Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins

Blueberry is an experimental opensource jQuery image slider plugin which has been written specifically to work with fluid/responsive web layouts.


Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins

unoslider is a fully responsive, touch enabled, mobile optimized jQuery slider plugin.

Responsive Thumbnail Gallery Plugin

jQuery Plugin for creating image galleries that scale to fit their container.


Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins

Elastislide – A Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin

Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins

Elastislide uses the jQuery Touchwipe Plugin which allows you to obtain the wipe event on an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

Responsive Image Gallery with Thumbnail Carousel

Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins

A jQuery image gallery with a thumbnail carousel. You can download it here.

Elastic Image Slideshow with Thumbnail Preview

Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins

Create an elastic slideshow with a thumbnail preview.


Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.


  1. Mohsin ali chidi Reply

    Great Collection, nowedays this plugins are much usefull and required for advance and coming we sites..
    done great Job.

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