February 7, 2025

13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites

Coming up with the right color palette for a web design can be one of the most important parts of the design process, and also one of the most difficult. Usually existing branding has the biggest influence on what colors are used, but other factors can come into play as well. For example, the tone and mood you want to set for the site’s visitors is determined primarily by color. For this post, we’ve gathered a collection of colorful websites that use color in a big way and are guaranteed to provide you with big inspiration.


13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites


13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites

David Boyero

13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites


13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites

Brown Owl Creative

13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites

Sydney – Stockholm

13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites

Studio Pigeon

13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites

We are Cuppa

13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites

Take Off

13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites

Guy Moorhouse

13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites


13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites

Transformation Projects

13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites

Click BBO

13 Beautiful Examples of Colorful Websites


Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr


  1. Isadora Design Reply

    Great collection here. Having a bright color palette takes a basic website and makes it unforgettable. My two favorites here are Click BBO because of their mix of vintage-looking logo design and Brown Owl Creative for they way they subdue that bright pink by mixing typography in white.

    Isadora Design – Handcrafted Web Design Company

  2. Ivan Reply

    Pigeon one is nicely done. There rests use photos, which is kinda take away the idea of being colorful. But they are good choices. Awesome list.

  3. karol Reply

    Many of these color combinations I wouldn’t have thought to combine but they work together nicely. – very eye catching and unique.

  4. Web Design Wolverhampton Reply

    It doesn’t matter how great your website is, including profanity in the text (especially on the homepage headline) looks *very* unprofessional. I’m sure many clients would immediately hit the “back” button. I suggest Poppin makes a quick text change before it loses too much business.

    1. Mike Reply

      I disagree. Perhaps Poppin is not trying to be professional?. It’s a fun and productive to-do list app. It looks like they’re trying to be different and stand out from the crowd, and going by your response it looks like they have succeeded.

  5. Julia Blake Reply

    Cool collection! I like the Pigeon, it’s nice) Ustream is a great site both in terms of colors and scrolling.

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