January 13, 2025

Free Asana Mac OS X Application named threedots

As far as team & task management goes, Asana is one of the greats. Most people at least know about Asana or have used it in a professional environment.

Now there’s a great free Mac application named threedots that connects right into Asana. It’s meant to be native Asana on your Mac desktop.

The application is not only free and easy to use, it’s also completely open sourced for developers to check out.

Just visit the official threedots repo on GitHub to download a copy of the source code.

While there are other applications out there, this one seems to be easy enough to manage since it runs the web view natively. Basically the application loads Asana in a web view in the app, so it runs like a browser yet separately from the browser.

If you want to give it a shot just visit the threedots webpage and download the install file. It’s completely free so if it doesn’t suit your needs then you really don’t have much to lose.

threedots mac app

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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