January 13, 2025

UX Design Salaries from Around the World

A new website UX Designer Salaries has collected a tremendous amount of data regarding average UX Design salaried positions. The data is all user-submitted and contains information from 70 different countries around the world.

Just over 1,100 people were asked to submit their salary data, their location, and how many years experience they have in UX design.

The results are pretty interesting with some of the largest averages coming from Switzerland, the US, and Israel. From these locations it seems the typical starting UX designer earns $60k-$70k/yr(all counted in USD).

Similarly the overall average among all submissions hits $58,188 USD/yr. For the somewhat emerging industry of user experience design it’s intriguing to see a fairly large salary base.

Many typical graphic design students leave college for positions starting at $28k-$36k/yr as junior designers. It seems the field of interface design, specifically user experience design, is paying much higher than the overall design industry.

You can see a table of all the results right on the website. Columns are sortable where you can limit results based on the highest/lowest average or the countries with the most/least submissions. The site owners were even nice enough to offer the raw data in a Google Docs spreadsheet for anyone interested.

The data is still a work-in-progress and you’re free to submit your salary if you happen to work as a UX designer.

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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