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10 Useful Text Enhancing Plugins for WordPress

Out of the box, WordPress is an amazing product and comes loaded with tons of features. However, one area that might be lacking is text formatting. There’s not really any tools built in to do things like dynamic image replacement, code highlighting, and other styling to improve the look of your text. Luckily there is a community of talented developers that have created plugins to fill this need. I’ve listed here 10 of the most useful text enhancing WordPress plugins.


TTFTitles lets you use images to replace the titles of your posts, thus circumventing the problem of guessing what fonts your end-users might have installed.


wp-​​Typography is a one-​​stop-​​shop for improved web typog­ra­phy in Word­Press. Some of it’s key features include: hyphen­ation, spacing control, and intel­li­gent char­ac­ter replace­ment.

Drop Caps Plugin

With the Drop Caps plugin, all drop caps are added on the fly meaning you can disable them if you change theme and you don’t need to think about them when you write your posts.

Simple Pull Quote

The Simple Pull Quote WordPress Plugin provides an easy way for you to insert pull quotes.

Google Syntax Highlighter

This plugin easily integrates the Google Syntax Highlighter by Alex Gorbatchev into WordPress.


WP-Syntax provides clean syntax highlighting that supports a wide range of popular languages. It supports highlighting with or without line numbers and maintains formatting while copying snippets of code from the browser.

WP-Syntax Colorizer

WP-Syntax Colorizer is a plugin that runs along side WP-Syntax and gathers all of the functions required to set custom colors for your code snippets.

Text Control

Text Control lets you to choose from a variety of formatting syntaxes and encoding options.

PS Disable Auto Formatting

PS Disable Auto Formatting stops automatic formatting of WordPress (wpautop), and modifies the html source generated by the visual editor.

Dynamic Font Replacement

Dynamic Font Replacement allows you to use your own ttf- or otf-fonts with WordPress.

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