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24 Free Node.js Tutorials & Online Guides

JavaScript was original created as a frontend language for dynamic website effects. Although it’s still used in this way, newer libraries are pushing the boundaries of what can be accomplished through JS scripting.

In a previous article I covered AngularJS resources for building dynamic web applications. Node.js is a similar open source library with even more detailed features.

This gallery includes 24 tutorials, guides, and websites dedicated to teaching Node.js. These resources are perfect for any developer who wants to learn more about Node, or a newcomer who just wants to see what all the fuss is about. All of these resources are free to use and should cover more than enough info to get you started building Node.js web applications.

Absolute Beginner’s Guide

Hello, World

Server-Side JS

Node.js for Beginners

Writing Add-ons

Social Authentication

Screen Scraping with Node.js

Express.js MVC Site

How-To List

Real Time Chat

Resumable Video Upload

HTTP Mock Testing

RESTful API Design

Ajax File Upload

Search Bar using MySQL

Basic HTTP Calls

Facebook Login

Managing Sessions

Node.js and MongoDB

Express.js with MongoDB

Node School



Realtime Node.js Webapp

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