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40+ Big High Quality Apple Product Icons

When a visual of a tech gadget or computer is needed in a web design, Apple products are usually the ones being used. The reason for this is obvious: Apple products have beautiful features, and just by including them in a composition adds quality to a web design.

Here are over 40 big Apple product icons that are great for using in web designs. These are all big enough to be used as a focal point in a header for example, or along side content as supporting design elements. Before using, make sure to check with the artist about the terms of use. Some may require permission to use commercially.

The iMac

The Pro. MacBook Pro

The Mini. Mac Mini (9 icons)


Apple Remote

iphone 3g PSD HD (3 icons)

The Air. MacBook Air

Apple LED 24″ Display Icon

The Anodized Behemoth

iPod Icons Pack (24 icons)


iPod Chromatic Icons

Aluminium MacBook Pro OSX

The Mini. Mac Mini

MacBook Air and iMac

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