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40 Inspiring Portfolio Designs

Portfolio designs can be a great source of inspiration. After all, a portfolio is not only a place to showcase one’s work, but is also a designer’s home on the web. It’s a portfolio piece in itself that represents what the designer is all about. For this reason, you’ll usually find extra amounts of creativity and attention to detail. A designer will put in this extra effort in order to show off their stuff and to attract new clients. So for this post, we’ve gathered 40 portfolio designs to inspire you.

Portfolio of Wing Cheng, graphic & web designer.

Christopher Meeks

Yaron Schoen

Hugs for Monsters

The work of visual artist Joe Lifrieri

Future in Bold

Future in Bold is a showcase of graphic design and art direction work by Graeme Stephenson.

Sylvain Toulouse

Art directing and graphic design by Sylvain Toulouse.

Giles Revell

Giles Revell’s work is an ongoing exploration of the possibilities of graphic, ideas-based imagery and the different ways in which photographic images can imply form, surface or texture via the simplest means.

Kyle Tezak is a visual designer living and working in Chicago. He likes icons, letters, logos and being concise.

Ewen Spencer


Grid is the online presence of graphic designer Ashwin Patel.

Christian Knopf

Portfolio of Christian Knopf.

Adham Dannaway

Portfolio of project manager and graphic designer Thibault Jorge.

Mindwork 3d

Mindwork 3d is the online portfolio of the 3D artist Can Tuncer.

Derry Lozano-Hoyland

Simon Foster

Markus Holmroos

Carl Rosekilly

This is Vasjen Katro’s portfolio.

Rich Brown

Portfolio Bia Carosini.

Alex Carabi

Josh Sullivan

Portfolio of Ryan O’Rourke.

Fernando Lins

Alexander Munk

Shannon Moeller

Serial Cut

Serial Cut is a Madrid based studio, established in 1999 by Sergio del Puerto, working on a wide variety of worldwide projects, but focussing mainly on Art Direction.

Justin Maller

Dean Oakley

Jesse Willmon

Portfolio of Aline Caron.

Les Illustrations de Lapin

Made Like Me

The home of illustrator Daryl Campbell.

Marko Prljic

Peter Pearson


I’m Helen Gizi – a graphic designer from Thessaloniki, Greece.

Chris Meisner


Site Inspire
The CSS Awards

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