It seems like everybody has a smart phone these days. This means that more and more people are turning to these mobile devices to do things that they would normally do on their desktop or laptop, like checking and sending email and viewing web content. That’s why it’s almost a must now to pay more attention to how your website looks on mobile devices. Yes, this does just add one more thing to the list of ways that web designers have to test their work, but thankfully their are tools out there to make our lives a little bit easier. So here are 7 useful tools for mobile website testing.
iBBDemo2 is an Adobe Air application that does a good job of emulating the iPhone and iPad web browsing experience. It can be a useful tool for testing Web apps targeting the iOS family of mobile devices. It can also be useful for doing presentations to demo iOS Web apps if you don’t have access to a Mac.
The mobiReady testing tool evaluates mobile-readiness using industry best practices & standards. The free report provides both a score (from 1 to 5) and in-depth analysis of pages to determine how well your site performs on a mobile device.
Opera Mini Simulator
Opera Mini Simulator, as it’s name suggests, is a live simulator of the Opera Mini browser. It works just as it would on mobile devices.
Gomez Mobile Website Readiness Test
Gomez’s free Mobile Readiness Test evaluates how well your site performs on a mobile phone. Instantly get a score from 1 to 5 based on an in-depth analysis of 30 proven mobile Web development best practices, ranging from standards compliant code and style sheet use to caching techniques.
W3C mobileOK Checker
The W3C mobileOK Checker performs various tests on a Web Page to determine its level of mobile-friendliness. The tests are defined in the mobileOK Basic Tests 1.0 specification. A Web Page is mobileOK when it passes all the tests.
iPhoney is not an iPhone simulator but instead is designed for web developers who want to create 320 by 480 (or 480 by 320) websites for use with iPhone. It gives you a canvas on which to test the visual quality of your designs.