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Best Grunge Textures and Photoshop Brushes All In One Place

Grunge design elements are a great way to give a design a worn and weathered look. Since it’s a popular style in modern web design, there are plenty of resources out there, but sometimes it’s difficult to find the ones that are the highest quality. I’ve taken the time to hand pick what I believe are the best grunge textures and Photoshop brushes out there.


Grunge II Texture Pack

Grunge Textures

Package – Vintage Grunge – 2

hardcore vintage grunge

Grunge Background Textures

A Little Dirty

Grunge III Texture Pack

Ultimate Grunge Pack: 40 High-Res Textures

Painted Grunge Texture


Dumpster Brushes

Grunge Brushes 007

High Res Dirt Brush Set

Grunge brushes

Grunge Ink Splatter Brushes

Grungy Watercolor

Grungy Wings

Grunge Brush Set

grunge brushes 2

grunge brushes

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