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Fullscreen Slideshow Cover in Adobe Muse

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Add a Fullscreen Slideshow Cover to your Adobe Muse website. No coding skills required.

Let’s face it – images play a huge part of how we communicate on the web. Images can tell a story, showcase a product, or convey an emotion. High quality images can even show how much effort someone went through to communicate their idea. I have to admit I myself am a visual learner. If the images on a website do not captivate me within the first few seconds I go onto the next website.

This is why I decided to create the “Fullscreen Slideshow Cover Widget.” This widget puts all the focus on the images by making the slideshow cover the entire browser. The user is able to navigate through all the images before seeing any content on the website. This is a great way to really make an impact on what you are trying to communicate with images.

The Fullscreen Slideshow Cover is 100% width and height so the slideshow stays in the browser until the user scrolls. The slideshow is fully responsive and the images change size on different devices and when the user resizes the browser.

Example of the Fullscreen Slideshow Cover Widget


With the Fullscreen Slideshow Cover Widget you can:

With all of these features you can easily customize the slideshow for your website. You can add a color overlay to match the styling of your website and describe each image with a title and description. All features are added to give you as much flexibility as possible. You can watch the video above titled “Fullscreen Slideshow Cover Widget” to see the widget in action and how to use it. To access the widget visit

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