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25 Fantastic Horizontal Scrolling Sites You’ll Love

Most of sites over the web use vertical scrolling, we get used to it. That’s what we expect to see. Yet, horizontal scrolling is something creative and unique. If you’re aimed to impress your users, horizontal scrolling will surely help you. It’s suitable for any creative field, like photography, design, art when you need to showcase a lot of images.

Also, horizontal scrolling technique can be used to tell a story of your brand in a creative way or involve your users into some game online. Here we put together 25 fantastic horizontal scrolling sites which will impress you. Just a quick tip: open each site to see it in action.

Oh My Gift

Year in Hashtags

Q&H London


Louis Ansa


Roadtrips – South Australia

Moving Islands

Daydream Designs

Mahuna & Mahuna

Travel Alberta Trip Planner

Costume National Scents

Lois Jeans Autumn-Winter 2013

Cyril Masson Portfolio v2

House on the Krasina

Quatro Folhas


Guillaume JUVENET

Heart of Arctic


We Make Games


25 Years of the Internet


Zack Batsaikhan

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