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How to increase sales by improving the user experience of your ecommerce store

According to a User Experience Survey Report, almost three-quarters (74%) of businesses believe that the user experience is important for improving sales and conversions.

So, actually how do the user experience and the sales is connected? How can you improve your sales and revenue by improving the user experience of your ecommerce store?

By improving the visitor experience, you’re making them to spend more money on your ecommerce store. Here are a few ways…

Let’s take a look at few ways to make more sales and thereby revenue by improving the user experience.

Remove friction by building trust

Web visitors are passive. Whenever you ask your visitors to take an action, for example to buy from your website, there remains some sort of friction that keeps them from buying from your site.

The reasons for the friction can be many. Maybe your prospective buyer is afraid to purchase from your store. In fact, as digital crime rises higher and higher it’s absolutely vital that prospective buyers trust their vendors.

If there’s no trust, it is more likely the buyer will hesitate to purchase from your store. One of the best ways to strengthen this trust is to assure the user that their information is safe with you.

Here are a few ways to reduce friction and increase sales by building trust.

Add an SSL certificate

Adding an SSL certificate to your website helps build a perception among your customers that you are trustworthy. It also tells your customers that sensitive data like credit card and personal information will not be intercepted, sold or misused.

That said, does adding an SSL certificate increase sales?

Let’s examine a few case studies.

After featuring an SSL badge on their site, online hotel booking site Central Reservation Service saw a 30% increase in their conversion rates.

Let’s look at another case study. According to Symantec, adding EV SSL to their clients has increased their conversion rate anywhere from 10% to 87%.

Looking to choose the right type of SSL for your online store? Follow this excellent guide: How to Choose the Right Type of SSL and SSL Provider.

Add reassurance copy

Adding reassurance copy beside your call to action button is another great strategy that can strongly encourage your prospects to take an action. Joanna Wiebe of calls the reassurance copy “click triggers” as it can help entice users to click the CTA button.

Here are a few examples of reassurance that work great for ecommerce store.

Personalized content

If you’ve ever visited B2C websites like, you might have noticed that you are being served by a series of product recommendations that Amazon believes you might be interested in. Amazon shows recommendations and related items based on your previous purchases, searches, preferences and interests.

For example, if you searched for ‘Google Nexus’ on Amazon, on your next login you would be probably seeing callouts to buy a Nexus phone. In addition, you’ll also be shown some related items that Amazon thinks you might be interested in.

This way of providing personalized content is one of the most user-friendly marketing methods out there. It’s no surprise that compared with untargeted promotional content a user is more likely to convert when they are shown relevant personalized content that is tailored around their interests and preferences.

So how would you create a personalized user experience on your ecommerce store?

Use a recommendation engine

Use a recommendation engine to target your customers with personalized recommendations across multiple pages of your website and multiple channels such as email, website, landing pages and promotional copies.  You can see a complete list of recommendation engine software here.

Focus on metrics

It is true that you can’t determine the effectiveness of a user experience design based solely on the statistics data. However, you can still make assumptions using statistics by conducting quantitative and qualitative analyses.

In fact, validating your assumptions can often reduce the likelihood of failure. On the other hand, wrong metrics and false assumptions can kill off your business. So it is important that you make the right assumptions by measuring the right data.

Here are a few data sets you should be tracking to know if the user experience is in line with your business goal of making more sales and thereby more revenue.

Use RJMetrics

RJMetrics is a tracking tool that helps you get important metrics of your business like lifetime value, churn rate, average revenue per customer, etc. Knowing more about these metrics can help you make smarter decisions to grow your business further.


The user experience of your site can have a direct impact on your business. Let’s sum up various ways to improve sales by improving user experience:

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