March 11, 2025

19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design

Illustrations are a great way to give a design personality. And it doesn’t matter if your website is a portfolio, a service, or an event – well thought out and designed illustrated elements look good in any project. From simple and minimal illustrated details, to full illustrated backgrounds, there are a lot of options. In the collection of sites we’ve gathered for you in this post, you’ll see sketches in headers and footers and even a whole illustrated team. You are sure to find plenty of inspiration here.

Cole Townsend

19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design

The Society Inc

19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design

Simple as Milk

19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design

EjectorSeat Festival

19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design

Dish Conference

19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design

Leg Work

19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design

Northbound Design

19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design

Fitz Fitzpatrick

19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design

Karine Fortier

19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design

Sam Markiewicz

19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design

Data Vinci

19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Illustrated Elements in Web Design


Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr


  1. Michael Guthrie Reply

    Some great illustration examples. Thanks for compiling. I find it interesting in the year 2013, we still separate design into web design and (your preferred design trade here). And in this case, Illustration specific to web design. This is illustration, and it’s design. The canvas and tools are digital, but the the thinking and skill sets are nothing but the same same (color, composition, message, rendering style, etc.).

  2. Corey Lansdell Reply

    Hey all, Also putting in a shameless plug here.
    We do illustration like nobodies business ; ) so naturally our site has some fun illos in it too… maybe less overall than the sites here… but I think it’s strong use of illustration in a site.

    Enjoy! Happy Canada Day weekend to all my fellow Canucks!

  3. Jason Reply

    Gravual is my favorite because the illustration is complex and makes me want to stare at if for a long length of time. Great posts!

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