Choosing the proper typography for a website is a really important step in the design process, especially because type has a big impact on the outcome of a layout, how visitors digest the content, and the over all aesthetics of a site. Today we gathered a few inspiring examples of type usage in web design to show you that from colorful type to clean and minimal, typography plays an important role in web design.
Gisele MullerJuly 23, 201215 Comments03.6k
21 Examples of Inspiring Typography in Web Design
Gisele Muller
Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr
I agree that choosing a right typography for a website is important in the design process. The above collections are great and I hope to use a couple for my next projects especially Oak and Wicked Plate.
Also here is another post which I use for inspiration –
Hope it helps 🙂
Simply wonderful… good works. I hope to create a nice site next time…after see that list all is possible! Thanks for sharing
Thanks for the feature WDL, great to see it among such inspiring work. She said yes 🙂
Yes, the information about typography for a website is important. I totally endorse your view point, and have always kept this thing in my mind while designing website for my clients.
Anyways, thanks for the information.
I really love the look of Oak’s design from that list.
Thought this was a great article and showcases some great use of typography. I agree with you on how type plays an important role within the design of a site and can set the tone and feel for how the users connect with what you have produced. I like all the examples you have included in your collection but the one that stands out for me is the Skullcandy site. I really like the minimal use of typography and how it still stands out, has impact and does not get lost with the images. I also really like the the user journey and the techniques used as you scroll down. It gives life to the site and the typography, giving it that wow factor. Great article and I look forward to more like this from yourself.
thanks, amazing selection!
Nice Example of typography.. i like Daniel Filler and oak typography. Thanks For the Great post..
I agree that typography is very important to a website. It helps bring the entire site together. These websites are a great example of how typography helps bring out the content and design. Thanks for the great post.
I love the epic discovery site, the fonts are amazing. Thanks for sharing this.
Great post! Always been a big fun of typography. Thanks.
This is a great collection. I really like wicked palate and for you, my love is adorable.
Micah from Lift here… thanks for the mention. Humbled to appear amongst all these great examples.
Wicked Palette – so cool!
Nice collection there. Fave is the epic discovery one! Typography was one of the last things i looked at when starting my first site.. how was I so stupid back then!