March 4, 2025

40 Beautiful & Inspiring .Org Websites

The .org domain, being short for “organization”, was originally intended for non-profit groups or organizations of a non-commercial character. Since non-profits and big design budgets aren’t normally associated with one another, it’s refreshing to see such great design in these types of websites. So for this post, we’ve put together a list of .org websites that are beautiful and guaranteed to inspire you.

Spring: Supporting Local Biodiversity

Spring is a funding program of The Sprout Fund. Program support is generously provided by The Pittsburgh Foundation. Complementing Pittsburgh’s status as North American Host City for the United Nations World Environment Day, as well as the International Year of Biodiversity, Spring offers local opportunities for the citizens of Southwestern Pennsylvania to join these global efforts.



A global cause backed by Bob Marley’s vision of hope and unity.


Participatory Politics Foundation

The Participatory Politics Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to increase civic engagement. PPF develops websites that create new opportunities for engagement with government. Voting is important, but we have a chance to go further and create a political process that is meritocratic, creative, and participatory.


Spring: Supporting Local Biodiversity

Music can change the world.


Kill the Spill

Brithish Petroleum’s well has been poring thousands of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico over a month, killing thousands of animals and obliterating any sea life in its path. To make matters worse, there’s no end in sight.


Williamson County Casa

Williamson County CASA helps children every day. Speaking on their behalf in courtrooms, identifying safe homes for them to live in, and listening to their stories. And while we consider this our mission as a non-profit organization, we are dependent upon people like you for monetary and volunteer support. Helping the helpless is a responsibility we all share.


Encompass Denver

The mission of Encompass is to uplift orphans, single moms, and widows in downtown Denver who are in need with consistency, veracity, reciprocity, dignity and mercy.



Project Fedena is the open source school management system based on Ruby on Rails. It was initially developed by a team of developers at Foradian Technologies. The project was made open source by Foradian, and is now maintained by the open source community.



The Work Life Balance Centre was founded in 1991 to help people whose lives are feeling out of control or out of balance.


Ywam Ozarks

We are a live-learn community, discipling young people for missions and life-calling, working with the local Church, and mobilizing young people to obey Jesus’ call to share the Good News locally and cross-culturally to unreached people of the world.


plain green

Plain Green is a conference and marketplace for green design, business and ideas. We’re advancing sustainability in the northern plains.



We are a global network dedicated to the professional practice of Interaction Design. With the help of more than 15,000 members since 2004, the IxDA network provides an online forum for the discussion of interaction design issues and other opportunities and platforms for people who are passionate about interaction design to gather and advance the discipline.


Thinking for a Living.


Walk to Washington

We are The Walk. We have created The Walk To Washington, a national pep rally to raise awareness of depression by calling for national change in mental health legislation.


Watermelon Ministries

Watermelon Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization using creative media to build relationships, make disciples and serve communities around the world. Our mission is to equip thousands to reach millions.



At Eastpoint, our passion is to love God, love others and change the world…


Mission First

Mission First, transformation in motion. A community ministry center.


Mi Esperanza – The Women of my Hope

Mi Esperanza means “My Hope” and began in 2002 with a vision to provide assistance for women in the villages surrounding Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Providing micro-business loans and skills training to women living in extreme poverty does this.


Help Your Habitat

A habitat restoration.


Chapeltown Development Trust

Chapeltown Development Trust is a new community-led enterprise whose objective is to help with the regeneration and improvement of the Chapeltown area of Leeds, (area as defined by the attached boundary map).


The Chapel

Rediscovering God changes everything.


Ligonier Ministries

On this site you have access to more than 5000 resources to help you pursue religious knowledge. Most of our resources are offered on popular media such as DVD, CD, and MP3.


Becoming Human

Becoming Human brings together interactive multimedia, research and scholarship to promote greater understanding of the course of human evolution.


Urban Roots

Urban Roots Community Garden Center is a consumer cooperative business whose mission is to provide quality products for gardening in the City of Buffalo and be an active and enriching member of the community.


Last Letter

We are followers of Jesus. Sacrificially taking action to do justice and share Jesus among the impoverished, lost, downtrodden and oppressed.


Chattanooga Zoo

The mission of the Chattanooga Zoo is to provide an educational and recreational opportunity for all citizens of the community. The educational mission stresses an understanding of, and respect for, all living things.


R.U.4. Children

The purpose of R.U.4 Children is to equip the orphaned with the necessary faith, education, and life skills to be productive citizens and make positive contributions in their communities.


Hope Unlimited

Transforming the lives of children at mortal risk, providing them and their future generations a productive future and eternal hope.


Sower of Seeds

Sower of Seeds International Ministries, Inc. is a registered Section 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit Organization. S.O.S. International facilitates and operates compassion outreaches to India, with a focus on social development.


common good radio

he Children’s Center for the Common Good, seeks to bring music to the ears of children that will support faithful listening, singing, playing and giving. We support the goodness that music can relate and we seek to share it with you and your children.


Glocal Ventures

Glocal Ventures focuses its overseas efforts on serving the people of Vietnam. Whenever possible, volunteers are encouraged to use their vocations, skills, and passions to make a difference in Vietnam.


All Saints Church

All Saints Church is an Anglican-Methodist co-operating parish in the heart of Hataitai, in the Eastern Suburbs of Wellington. We are a bunch of ordinary people seeking to follow an extraordinary God as we encourage, learn, worship and journey through life together.


Housing Works

Housing Works is committed to ending the twin crises of AIDS and homelessness. We believe that all people have the right to a rich and empowering life.



Our mission is to combat global warming. We do this by planting trees.



Kanchi is a not-for-profit organisation that works to change thinking on disability. Kanchi positively promotes the ability and value of every person with a disability and challenges traditional stereotypes through innovative initiatives aimed at a wide range of stakeholders.


Fourth Avenue Church

We exist to glorify God by making disciples for the sake of the world.


North Shore Fellowship

We are a church longing to enjoy and embody Jesus Christ to the North Shore area, Chattanooga, and the world.


Global Oneness Project

The Global Oneness Project is exploring how the radically simple notion of interconnectedness can be lived in our increasingly complex world.


Valley Creek Church

Why does Valley Creek Church exist? We are here to create disciples of Jesus who strengthen families and impact nations. We are a community where you can truly experience life.


Church on the Rock

Our prayer is that you will be blessed and strengthened by the Holy Spirit today.



The Best Designs

Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr


  1. Warren Jerzyszek Reply

    Amazing collection! This list is definitely one to inspire all web designers and developers, the attention to detail each website contains is amazing. I always love it when I get to build a site that has a fun, creative and unique brief, as its a great opportunity to design a site that will really blow its target audience away! Some of these .org websites are definitely going into my collection of inspiring web designs. Thanks for sharing.

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