Sketches are an important step of any project, and this is why we are gathering some inspiring examples of UI and wireframe sketches to show you. This will give you an idea of how other designers approach projects in the early stages of the design process. Transferring your ideas to paper first helps you visualize different layout options, and even though it’s an extra step, it saves you time in the long run.
Gisele Muller
Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr
Thanks .. Great List 🙂
These sketches are cool but totally unhelpful without understanding the strategy & goals of each project and without seeing the final execution.
I agree – that is unfortunately the shortcoming of Dribbble. Few people post explanations of their works in progress.
I agree that these sketches don’t describe the problems they are trying to resolve, but I also see value in seeing how other people draw ideas, describe interface concepts, and express control ideas.
A sketch is a snapshot of a point on a journey, yes, but snapshots are also inspiring and useful without having to see the destination or know the purpose of the trip.
Hey, Thanks Gisele for adding my Wireframe in the list 🙂
@Susan – Agree with you, but its all about how designer comes up with nascent ideas.
Wireframes are meant for throwing away.But love how people care and give attention in preparing them.Great post
Every time I look through one of these lists and think “This is a really good list! Great stuff in here!”, it comes from Gisele. Thanks!
skecth help transform people ide. thanks for great resource, i’ve collect them all 😀 this stuff is what all i need so long
Would you care to share your collected sketches? Would be a great resource to learn from.