March 28, 2025

11 Excellent Solutions for Creating Tooltips

Tooltips in web design are becoming more and more commonplace. Even though I don’t think they are appropriate for every type of site, they can be a very useful addition when implemented correctly. If you are planning on using tooltips in your next project, the hardest part may be choosing the right solution.

Here are 11 excellent methos for creating tooltips using various solutions such as jQuery, MooTools, and CSS only.

Prototip 2

Prototip 2

Easiest Tooltip and Image Preview Using jQuery

Easiest Tooltip and Image Preview Using jQuery



Coda Popup Bubbles

Coda Popup Bubbles

MooTools 1.2 Tooltips: Customize Your Tips

MooTools 1.2 Tooltips: Customize Your Tips

Duplicate the jQuery Homepage Tooltips Using MooTools

Duplicate the jQuery Homepage Tooltips Using MooTools

jQuery Ajax Tooltip

jQuery Ajax Tooltip

CSS Bubble Tooltips

CSS Bubble Tooltips

Easy CSS Tooltip

Easy CSS Tooltip





Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.


  1. Team Nirvana Reply

    No, no, this is no way to simplify the task of creating tool-tips.

    Come on, these tiny things have always been like a crack head for me and coming to this post, I find them to be so easy and after trying a few times, I have them at the back of my hand now.

    Thanks a lot for sharing these.

  2. Matthew Reply

    Man, I could have used this just last weekend. Thanks for these great tips, there’s a couple here I didn’t come across in my searches.

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