February 22, 2025

20 Excellent Blogs for Those Who Love Design

Whether you’re a web designer, a print designer, or a photographer, you probably share a common trait with me and other creative types – a love for all things design related. I’m a web designer, but I love reading blogs that cover anything about design. I think there is much to be learned from exploring and learning about various mediums.

Here are some of my favorite blogs that cover various topics from web design to package design.

ISO50 Blog

ISO50 Blog

Swiss Miss

Swiss Miss

Web Designer Wall

Web Designer Wall

Colour Lovers Blog

Colour Lovers Blog

I Love Typography

I Love Typography

The Dieline

The Dieline

Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine





The FontFeed

The FontFeed

Vandelay Design Blog

Vandelay Design Blog

Fuel Your Creativity

Fuel Your Creativity

Webdesigner Depot

Webdesigner Depot









Six Revisions

Six Revisions



Lovely Package

Lovely Package


Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.

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  1. Henry Reply

    @Webdesigner Depot, Jacob Gube, Steven Snell – You’re welcome. You all are constantly putting out stuff that is valuable to all designers. Keep it up!

  2. Yang Yang Reply

    Frequent most of the sites listed for several months now. Majority of them have also been featured on smashingmagazine.com more than one times.

    No wonder web design is currently the most popular web skill. (data from elance.com)

  3. Mani Reply

    Good List of blogs – there are many more on the internet and I am preparing one my list of best blogs. Hope to see more from you as well.

  4. Andrew Reply

    This is a little belated, but thanks for including WellMedicated in this amazing list! These are some of my favorite sites and I’m honored to be in their company. 🙂

  5. Poster Printing Reply

    This is a great collection of blogs. You never have to run out of ideas when you are connected to the internet. We have so many resources to pull from for design projects. That is especially helpful for marketing design where every client wants something different for their posters, signs, logos, postcards. . .

  6. 4x6 Postcards Reply

    What a great collection of blogs! No matter how experienced one is at creating or participating in blog creation, there is always room for creative thinking and seeing what others have come up with. Thanks for the posting!

  7. Rain Reply

    This is the first time to ever have a website to work on, learning so many things i think my mind will explode with information i have never heard of before.Although i am an artist and an interior designer i cant help but be more than impressed with those who have an ability to easily grasp all this wonderful web design stuff. I am still in the learning process, which is getting better the more i keep working on my site. The thing that i have still no clue to work with are tags???!!!!!

  8. Suzi@New Songs 2014 Reply

    The article you have written is brilliant. Your information is very well founded and presented in such a convincing way. I have read many articles on this subject, but by far, yours is the best. Thanks for Sharing

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