March 27, 2025

Workfrom helps you find Nearby Places to Work Remotely

If you don’t usually work in an office then you know it can be tough to get work done. Many freelancers work from home which creates the distinct problem of separating work life from home life.

While there are other options like coffee shops or co-working spaces, how do you know where these are located?

Workfrom is a new product that hopes to solve this issue. It’s a search engine for people who work remotely to find a place to, well, work remotely.

Spaces can be sorted by “public” and “private” based on any location in the world. Keep in mind that it’s still a growing resource and many locations will not have any results.

Workfrom startup website

If you sign up for a free account you’ll also be able to add spaces manually. These new spaces can be included in search results for nearby areas, thus adding to the overall database of working spaces.

Those who just want to search can do so anonymously without any account. But an account is great if you want to save your favorite spaces or “clock in” to the ones you’ve already visited.

Also you can keep up with the latest updates & press releases by following the official Twitter account @workfrom.


Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website

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