March 29, 2025

27 Social Distancing Designs That Are Just Too Good Not To Share

COVID-19 is no joke and we’re all practicing some social distancing right now.

If you’re not, and you have the choice to stay home, then you really should do it.

While social distancing can be boring or lonely, just remember that by staying home, you are saving lives, and literally changing the fate of our world.

The little things we choose to do right now are important.

And luckily for us designers, a lot of us can do our work from home.


That is a privilege I will always be grateful for and my gratitude, thoughts, and prayers are with everyone who has to go to work every day to make the world go round.

One of the many wonderful things I have noticed during this time, is that a lot designers have taken no break during this pandemic to create some beautiful designs regarding social distancing and self-quarantining.

Have a look for yourself to take your mind off of the crazy things going around us, and enjoy these 27 social distancing designs that some creative people of our beautiful world have created.

27 Social Distancing Designs To Scroll Through While We All Stay Home

social distancing design


social distancing design


social distancing design


social distancing design


social distancing club



social distancing





















We’re In This Together

You guys… we’re in this together.

We can make a difference by staying home and doing our work from home.

Do the thing that you haven’t had time to do. Learn a new skill, cook a meal, play with your dog, talk to your loved ones.

We have all the time in the world right now to stay at home and focus on ourselves and the things that matter to us.

Take this time and create something beautiful with it.

Stay safe, everyone.

Until next time,

Stay creative, folks!



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