March 25, 2025

30 Incredible Examples of Urban Decay Photography

During the lifespan of a city, certain events take place that cause buildings and areas to become abandoned. With nobody around to provide upkeep or maintenance on the structures of these areas, things begin to fall into disrepair. This is known as urban decay. At first glance, these decrepit environments may seem hopeless. However, through the lens of a camera, a talented photographer can reveal beauty in the most unlikely of places.

Here are 30 incredible examples of urban decay photography. These photos are a great source of inspiration and possess many impressive qualities, including an abundance of interesting textures.

Make sure you click on each photo to see a larger version and learn more about each of the talented photographers behind the cameras.

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography

urban decay photography


Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.


  1. Don Reply

    Seeing many of this type of photo together shows me how gorgeous they can be. One every now and then I have easily glossed over. I need to try this, thank you!

          1. mdz

            I agree, too much HDR. I would much rather see shots with less post-processing. I’m not sure some of the didn’t have additional textures and ‘vintage’ type filters put on to enhance the decayed look. Which is fine, except I was expecting to see real urban decay, not imaginary one.

  2. Chris Luckhardt Reply

    Some fine photography, but I agree with some of the other comments – too much HDR. I’ve done a bit of that, but try not to go too overboard with it. I run an urban exploration group; here are a few of my pics.

  3. Randy Little Reply

    They are no longer photo’s once you have ADDED lighting elements that didn’t exist and shouldn’t be labeled as such. they are very nice Illustrations that use photography and they are beautiful What they are not is any kind of truth about the locations.

  4. Imee Reply

    Astounding… I’m a big fan of when something not so good is turned into something beautiful. These can be great for high fashion photoshoots and even album inserts :]

  5. pixeltarian Reply

    are you should this shouldn’t be called “30 decent HDR photos” ???

    I would very much like to see natural shots of these photos. HDR always looks like the latest 3D video game. can’t stand it really.

  6. Abigail Pereira Reply

    i love ALL the pics .. 🙂
    and thanks for post this … its realy an inspiration :’)

  7. Mark - Devon Wedding Photographer Reply

    There are some amazing photographers out there. I stick to weddings and portraits and really can’t do architectural stuff justice but these are wonderful to look at. The composition, use of light and post production are rocking. I’m just trying to figure using locations like this and putting a beautiful bride in, would look pretty cool.

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