January 15, 2025

30 Website Navigations that Make You Wanna Click It

The navigation might be the single most important aspect of a web design’s usability. Without a navigation, you would be stuck on the home page for a very long time. I believe a navigation or menu must be easy to use, but this doesn’t mean it has to be boring. In fact, it helps to add a little flair to your navigation. It entices visitors to click and hang around your site a little longer. Here are thirty examples of beautifully designed web design navigation for your inspiration.

Billy Tamplin

website navigation


website navigation

The Swish Life

website navigation

Mission Bicycle Company

website navigation


website navigation

Red Velvet Art

website navigation


website navigation

Authentic Jobs

website navigation

Icon Dock

website navigation

Morphix Design Studio

website navigation

Sushi & Robots

website navigation


website navigation

Robert Alan

website navigation

Hull Digital Live 09

website navigation


website navigation

Artua Design Studios

website navigation

Internet Dreams

website navigation


website navigation

Pirata London

website navigation


website navigation


website navigation


website navigation


website navigation


website navigation

Bohemian Coding

website navigation

Think Orange

website navigation

Culinary Culture

website navigation

Light CMS

website navigation


website navigation


website navigation

Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.

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  1. Pingback: 12 Excellent CSS3 Button and Menu Techniques | Tutorials


  1. webdevelopment Reply

    I like the list, well mainly because it contains some pretty examples.

    But my question is: do these pretty buttons really want to make you click them? Do you have test data to back your statement ?


  2. Damian Webber Reply

    How about the very simple navigation of http://www.portsurf.co.uk

    This still needs some tweaks to stop the navigation bouncing when over-zealous mouse movements are used but I like it.

    One day we’ll have the time to make the site even slicker (I’d love to have more time, I really would!)

    Great list, though – very inspirational for those who are not graphic designers

  3. Design Informer Reply

    Utah and Pirata London are the ones that I really like for some reason.

    Nice collection. I think the nav is a very important part of the design. I do think that the links should be enticing, and you have done a great job showcasing sites that have enticing navigations. 🙂

  4. Jon Fukuda Reply

    Nice showcase! It’s always a beautiful thing when cognitive psychology, gestalt laws of perception, elegant design and keen interaction modeling come together!

    There’s something to be said for the aesthetic-usability effect. It doesn’t always solve the problem, but it does make you want to click!

  5. Don Reply

    I wasn’t a fan of a couple of these, some of them look the same as lots of other websites. I hated the Utah one, those compelled me not to click on them.

  6. Noel Wiggins Reply

    There are so many elements that go into making a great website design. So many it can be overwhelming, personally I like to break each element up into individual creative exercises, In most cases the creativity is limitless, but I have found that the navigation is one of those elements you have to be careful with, being you don’t want to confuse the visitors,

    I love this round up, for navigation inspirada, it is both creative and clearly noticeable, and can really help explore ideas for any website design project

    Thanks and Regards

    Noel for Nopun.com
    professional graphics design

  7. Amanda Sage Reply

    I like the more subtle ones. I think Nosotros is my favorite. The only one I really don’t like is the ribbon-shaped Home button on Billy Tamplin… it looks like an award, which would be a weird thing to have in your navigation.

  8. Hannah P. Reply

    I am so grateful to know this site. Very amazing! It helping me a lot in navigating easily and is giving me idea in web designing.

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