March 12, 2025

40 Brilliant Type-Only Logo Designs

Logos do not always have to include some type of symbol or icon to be effective. When done well, using type only to create a logo can be very effective in representing a company. These types of logos often cause particular typefaces and letter styling to become synonyms with a brand. Here we’ve rounded up 40 brilliant type-only logo designs for your inspiration. Be sure to click the images to learn more about each logo.

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos

typography logos


Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.


  1. Arvin Bautista Reply

    I find it interesting that many of these logos’ appeal seems to come from the color background they’re sitting on, especially the ones with the gradient. If these logos were placed black on white I doubt they’d look nearly as brilliant, but nonetheless all of the examples here are still very well done.

    1. Josh Reply

      That was a spot on observation. The gradient background does heaps in accentuating the visual flavour fo the logo. Having said that however, some of them are pretty clever.

  2. A u d e e Reply

    I think ‘wave’ is an incredibly smart and has some kind of ‘wavy’ font shapes to complete the look. It sticks to the viewer’s memory 😉
    Thanks for this logo round up post!

  3. Chris Palmer Reply

    I may get railroaded for saying this…

    I’m just about to wrap up a design on This place has a love hate relationship in the design world, I know.

    Funny thing is that this contest has actually been a joke.

    Are there any similar sources that are more professional than a 99Designs type of thing?

    The canned response would be finding a talented designer to go with, but I like the competition aspect of it.

    Thanks for your response.

  4. Luke Southwell Reply

    Yes I agree with you. Logos don’t always have to have a symbol to be effective. The logo designs you posted are very well done. Simple yet catchy. Logos that have impact and easy to remember.

  5. Josh Reply

    Excellent collection. I have an interesting observation though: most of these logos seem to contain a single word, as opposed to multiple words or a phrase. I guess brands/identities with single words tend to pack more “punch” in certain contexts.

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