Typography is certainly a huge part of a design. It doesn’t matter if it is web design, print or packaging, the right typography can get the attention of users, setting a project apart from all the others, showing the importance of choosing the right type for your design. Today we gathered some inspiring examples of typography in web design to show you different approaches of websites that will get your attention. Enjoy.
Gisele MullerMarch 11, 20137 Comments04.9k
21 Inspiring Examples of Typography in Web Design
Gisele Muller
Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr
Thanks Gisele! for sharing such a beautiful examples of typography.. I am a designers always in search of inspirations and i found one here 🙂
Amazing! I like Jacksonville Art Walk and Poppies Flower. Thanks Gisele. 🙂
Especially like the “Proxima Nova” font used on the Whitepage website. Thanks for the list 🙂
Hi Gisele, Nice work…..it is always inspiring to look at these beautiful graphics and design ideas….please keep sharing 🙂
Awesome! I like your work, its cool simple pages and eye cacher designs. Thanks Gisele. 🙂
I’m in love with typography, and your designs are truly unique… thanks for the the inspiration 🙂
Awesome inspiration for a project I’m currently working on, thanks!