In today’s web design world, so much emphasis is put on SEO, which forces us to design for machines. Even though this is a necessity for web designers, the focus of a design should be on that of the user – the breathing, typing, mouse clicking kind of user. The user experience (UX) design portion of the website building process is often overlooked, usually due to a lack of knowledge in the area. Luckily, there are UX focused blogs out there that are loaded with info, tips, and insights that can help you in your journey to becoming a user experience expert. Here are 11 of the best.
UX Magazine
UX Magazine was created to deliver a central place to discuss the critical disciplines that all enhance user experience.
Signal vs. Noise
Signal vs. Noise is the blog of 37signals. Having built popular web apps like Basecamp, they know a thing or two about user experience.
UX Booth
The UX Booth is a blog by and for the User Experience Community. It’s full of useful articles and resources on usability, user experience, and interaction design.
Adaptive Path Blog
Adaptive Path creates user driven products that deliver great experiences. Their blog allows them to share what they’ve learned with others.
The Usability Post is a blog about design – not about what it looks like, but about how it works. The aim of The Usability Post is to provide relevant resources, tips and insights into good design in order to help you make great products.
inspireUX is a blog that posts quotes relating to user experience (UX). Every quote on inspireUX focuses on the impact that user experience has on people, business, or the world. You can even download and print them out on 4×6″ index cards.
456 Berea Street
456 Berea Street is the blog of Swedish web professional, Roger Johansson. He writes about web standards, accessibility, usability, and other UX related topics.
Functioning Form
Functioning Form is a blog about interface design. That is to say, it is where art and technology emerge as experience, where message and medium meld, and where interactions are useful, usable, and enjoyable.
A List Apart
A List Apart Magazine is loaded with insightful articles exploring the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices.
Boxes and Arrows
Boxes and Arrows is devoted to the practice, innovation, and discussion of design; including graphic design, interaction design, information architecture and the design of business. Since 2001, it’s been a peer-written journal promoting contributors who want to provoke thinking, push limits, and teach a few things along the way.
EverydayUX is a blog that focuses on the design that we encounter on a day-to-day basis, especially as it relates to interaction design.
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