March 14, 2025

Top 10 Best Packaging Ideas

The packaging industry will always have a demand. For most manufacturers, however, it’s about more than just keeping the product safe. You have to sell the product inside the package, therefore, the package must be appealing. There are many ways you can do this. I like to take inspiration from others. Without further ado, here are the top 10 best packaging ideas for your inspiration:

10. Use color

Everyone likes a little splash of color. You can make your packaging stand out tremendously by just adding some color to catch the eye. It’s quick and easy.

9. Use patterned designs

The best thing about patterned designs is that they typically don’t require much effort. It’s usually as easy as a simple print on the already designed package. You can combine color and pattern to really get the ball rolling.

8. Get creative

You want people to be excited about your product. Put your creative mind to the test. The packaging above is cute, playful, and not over the top. While you do want to draw the customer in, you don’t want to distract them from your amazing product.

7. Be different

There is a lot of competition out there. You help distinguish your brand from everyone else by simply looking different. Take the honey jar above for example. It’s not like the average, rounded jar of honey. It’s different, yet simple.

6. Utilize space

Saving space has always been a trend. From tiny houses, to compact cars, everyone appreciates unwasted space. Apple has been using this motto with the IPhone’s packaging for years. They developed a compact design that screams modern and hip.

5. Consider customer interaction

One thing that can help your customers connect to your product is the experience they have when opening it. Shoe companies have the right idea. For years, companies have been wrapping high end shoes in a felt bag before putting them in the box. It adds a luxurious feel to any product. This trend has taken off with many companies in the recent years and has had wonderful feedback.

4. Use textures

Adding textures to packaging is a simple way to familiarize people with your product. Instead of relying on just the sense of sight, they now have the sense of touch to identify your product as a unique experience.

3. Less is more

Packaging, as necessary as it is, can get expensive. Your packaging doesn’t have to be wild and over-the-top.

2. Make the inside pretty, too

You’ve put a lot of time and thought into your package, don’t just end it with the exterior. The detail you put into the interior of your package can say alot about your attention to detail. Customers pay attention to these kinds of things.

1. Show off your product!

One of  the best packaging ideas is the one that allows your product to speak for itself. You should be confident in your product. Often times, it’s what inside the package that sells it the most.

Everyone has their own style. Not all of these will work for every product, but certainly at least one will help your product stand out on a shelf or amidst a sea of competition. Don’t be afraid to try something new and certainly don’t be afraid to take inspiration from my top 10 best packaging ideas. —


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