February 15, 2025

WDL Premium: Pro Photoshop Action Suite from Union Actions

For our WDL Premium members, we’ve got an awesome bundle of Photoshop actions for professional quality photo enhancements. This collection is called Photo Designer and it’s from Union Actions. There’s over 30 actions in this suite, and they’ll give you the power to change the entire mood, color, and focus of your images.

Be sure to check out Union Actions for more incredible Photoshop actions.

UA Vintage Actions

Photoshop actions from Union Actions are designed to create amazing effects with a click of a button. However, to make our actions as flexible as possible, they give you granular control over every facet of the workflow allowing for endless possibilities.

Here’s a preview of the various action types included in the Photo Designer Suite:


UA Vintage includes both cool and warm actions, transforming any photo you capture in a way that both compliments the mood and brings out the inner beauty of an otherwise bland color palette.


UA Vintage Actions
The UA Vignette set is a powerful collection of custom vignette actions, allowing you to fine tune the focus of your image by drawing attention where you want it to be.


UA Vintage Actions
The UA Tone collection is our most comprehensive set, with 14 different actions to choose from. From the traditional sepia to the rare replication of selenium, you have a unique and powerful set of actions at your fingertips.

Lens Filters

UA Vintage Actions
UA Lens Filters contain actions that replicate some of the most popular filters in photography. This allows you to apply these effects in post process, giving you more time to focus on capturing your photo.

Light Leak

Another fantastic film technique that UA has replicated is the Light Leak set – adding a raw and gritty streak of light to your digital photo. In film, light leaks occur when a small hole or gap allows light to “leak” in and overexpose parts of your negative – and many photographers do this intentionally for its powerful effect.

Toy Camera (Lomo)

Lomography (lomo for short) is exploding in the photography world – and it’s easy to see why. Named after the Lomo Kompakt Automat from Russia, this experimental film camera technique has quite the cult following – but this process has now has been replicated for the digital photographer.

Download Photo Designer Suite

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Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.


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