October 25, 2024

10 Professional WordPress Themes for Business Websites

Custom website designs aren’t right for every business, especially those that are on a tight budget or trying to stay as lean as possible. Many of these businesses turn to WordPress. It’s an excellent CMS solution, and there is a large selection of affordable themes available designed specifically for business websites. The only problem is professional looking themes can sometimes be difficult to find, and when launching a business, the last thing you want is a sloppy website. So for this post, as usual, we’ve done the searching for you…we’ve rounded up 10 Professional WordPress Themes for Business Websites.


business wordpress themes

Quantum is a vibrant theme that will bring your business website to life. It’s packed with features including a built-in icon set and 15 possible color and texture combinations.


business wordpress themes

Leverage is an elegant theme that acts as a CMS for your business website. Included in this theme are options to define your own color scheme, a built-in icon set, and many other features.


business wordpress themes

deVision is a complex WordPress theme that lets you create a business website in minutes. Showcase your company or product with clean and professional design without any programming skills.


business wordpress themes

Inspire is a highly functional theme that has a custom homepage with a featured area powered by jQuery, and lovely mini-featured area. This along with the included portfolio page template makes it perfect to use for your business to show off your work or products.


business wordpress themes

FullSide is an adavanced, feature rich, WordPress theme that could easily style both a corporate website and a portfolio or gallery. You can use either a static homepage featured area or create a content slider with posts from a specific category.


business wordpress themes

BigBiz is aimed at those of you who want a striking CMS orientated theme which you can use to showcase your products, portfolio or services.


business wordpress themes

TheProfessional has a sleek and simple design without all of the extra features on the homepage that some people have no need for. The layout is very easy for visitors to understand and navigate.


business wordpress themes

deNovo is a professional business WordPress theme that turns WordPress into a content management system. Powerful tools make it incredibly easy to create a top-class business website.

The Firm

business wordpress themes

The Firm is a flexible business/cms based theme with extensive features including two custom page templates (Features & Portfolio) and a design which is both neat and professional.

Organic Theme

business wordpress themes

The Organic Theme comes with a variety of features that make it an ideal candidate for multiple purposes. It could be used as a business site, informational blog, a portfolio and more.

Disclaimer: The Quantum and Leverage themes are products of Theme Trust, which is founded by Henry Jones, who is also founder of Web Design Ledger.


Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.

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  1. Pingback: 10 Excellent WordPress Themes for Portfolios and Galleries | Resources


  1. Erik Reply

    Although they look nice, I wonder if this is what you want as a business owner. It’s mostly one HUGE image with some buttons and text. It’s a shame now-a-days people hardly look at real content layouts.

  2. Alex Reply

    Great post. I’m a strong believer that WordPress is the best platform for most businesses. I created a similar post helping people chose the best theme for business. You can read it here.

  3. Jonny W Reply

    I echo Erik’s thoughts. Have a look through any theme site nowdays from Woothemes to Themeforest and 99% of business templates have a huge image slider on the front page. It’s always easy to remove the slider but then the balance of the page is often thrown off because the designer didn’t think for one moment that someone might not want a image slider.

    Take a small recuitment company that wants a website – or indeed any company that doesn’t have a tangible product – the sliders get in the way of content and like erik says, little thought nowdays is being given to content layout.

  4. Erik Reply

    @Jonny W

    Exactly, good title for new post 😉 I try for my own customers to dedicated special time for setting up the layout on the text pages instead the big blocks of text.

  5. Mary Reply

    Depends on the website, I think. If the business has just one real product, this type of layout (one main image, small blurbs, etc) would probably work fine for them. Hit the customer with the highlights and the pretty product, then give them the details. Apple’s homepage is pretty much this layout, but without even a lot of copy on it.

    But I do agree that for a lot of businesses, this may not be the right look for them. These layouts seem to work best when you have an actual product to offer, not a service.

  6. Eileen Reply

    Jonny & Erik, have you looked at the Small Business theme by Expand2Web? There are several layout options (including rotating slide shows and video), optional sidebars and amazing customer support. All the themes have a focus on seo, which after all is the most important part of any site! http://expand2web.com

  7. Greg Reply

    Don’t get me wrong these themes are great, but why do template designers insist on advertising apple products and screenshots of other templates?

  8. rob t Reply

    It seems like all of these themes have a tall header area designed to feature content. Seems like these would be best for someone trying to spotlight a product.

  9. Chris Reply

    What’s wrong with each of these themes? They were designed by designers and not the professionals who need them.

    In terms of design convention, this becomes pertinent when a business has a “content first” communication strategy. This is a lot of businesses, especially if they aim to be successful on the web. I’ve yet to find a theme with truly corporate aesthetics that is designed with content in mind. It’s pathetic. You think that it would dawn on at least one art school grad that there is a wide swath of professionals out there who require content and not splash style home pages that mostly serve as design masturbation for the designer. Content first, content first, content first. Management of that content (menu structure) should be built in, intuitive, and as tailored to non-blog style content management as possible. The current offerings would be embarrassing if the situation (and it’s reflection on the design community) weren’t so sad.

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