July 26, 2024

21 Beautiful Examples of Single Page Websites

Single page designs are always a good source of inspiration. They are concise, straight to the point and, most of the time, beautifully designed. This kind of design demands that content and navigation stay on one page, so only important things are displayed. So for today, we gathered 21 web sites that demonstrate the right way to do a single page design.

nils clasen

Single Page Websites

what if

Single Page Websites

Purple Orange

Single Page Websites


Single Page Websites

Luke Stevenson

Single Page Websites

Belgian Boat Show

Single Page Websites

Voto Como Vamos

Single Page Websites

My Pizza Oven

Single Page Websites

Argo Design

Single Page Websites


Single Page Websites

Marisa Passos

Single Page Websites

GP Sul de Ciclismo

Single Page Websites


Single Page Websites

Aaron Relph

Single Page Websites

World’s Social Media Gathering

Single Page Websites

Adam Coulombe

Single Page Websites

The World We Live In

Single Page Websites

Gregory Sujkowski

Single Page Websites

CSS Piffle

Single Page Websites


Single Page Websites


Single Page Websites


Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr


    1. Earl Varona Reply

      One page sites are nice only if the content allows it. I looked at your site and in my opinion, your website will not benefit from a single page design. You have such a great product that your website design doesn’t do your product justice. I think there’s a huge potential of gaining more business by just redesigning your website. I wish you the best of luck and please contact me if there’s anything I can do to help. Thanks. =)

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