Here at WDL we understand that inspiration can be found in all media, including print, tv and online ads. A great website to browse to keep the juices flowing when you need inspiration in that area is Ads of the World. For this post I gathered only a few examples of the amazing pieces they have in their galleries. Here you will see creative and beautiful ads that get our attention for it’s typography, images, concept or just by being inspiring. It’s always good to see good designs in other media to keep our mind open to new ideas.
Gisele MullerOctober 13, 201131 Comments05.1k
21 Beautifully Designed Ads for your Inspiration
Gisele Muller
Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr
Amazing, beautifully designed well thematic also.
Don’t know where in the world did you find these ads, though they’re very cool. Thanks for sharing.
Tomato sauce ad is really cool! Who can eat pasta without tomato sauce? We can’t and designer know it very well. But, transferring in design is really great.
These are some very fine examples.
Gisele, you always provide some of the best graphical posts. Thanks for inspiration.
❝ The world as a gift ❞ is my favourite.
really good! thanks!
ADV by Wolkswagen with rollercoaster and the sea with Yamaha are the best for me…a great collection!
“Let’s change the nature of e-waste”
The image of that tree is a stock image. I used it myself for a hoodie design about a year ago. That’s pretty cheap for a an “excellent” add imo. Ohterwise really cool ads!
A truly brilliant ad from Audi- works on so many levels!
This is a great roundup, love all the ads you included here! It’s always fun to see what’s out there, these are great!
Fantastic ads! So creative 🙂 Love the 3rd one down promoting Alerj good stuff.
Great artwork, but at the top, “inspiration can be found in all medias …” Has usage evolved to the point where “media” is a SINGULAR noun requiring an “s” to make it plural? Am I being old fashioned?
Thanks for pointing the error 😉
No you’re not being old fashioned, Joe. I caught that too and hoped it was not an indication of the education level at Linked In.
oh dear….i’m sorry but you, Joe and Sindigo really need to get over yourselves!!! did you all re-read your own posts multiple times just to make sure your grammar was correct?
“Here at WDL we understand that inspiration can be found in all medias”
“Medias” Come on, you can proof-read better than that, surely. 😉
Very inspiring round up, I love the Google maps ad… thanks for sharing
Great examples of diverse creative.
“Without tomato sauce there is no pasta” is very creative ad. Inspiring design and creative thinking. 🙂
I love the Google Map ad. We all snoop on Google maps 🙂 The suitcase ad is also very clever!
attracting everyone, love to learn from these kind of adverts.
All are attractive designs!!
I like Volkswagon and Mercedes-Benz’s designes.
All are cool!!!
Yes, all great examples, thanks for compiling. As a busy mom & grandmom, I especially liked the VING ad w/ the kids cutout…can definitely relate to that!
another awesome collection, thanks!
A great selection of Ads. 🙂
I love the Volkswagen Tiguan “rollercoaster” ad, they always come up with such creative marketing ideas at Volkswagen, another good example is the Audi ad, same company, both great marketing ideas.
Awesome Collection too! Thank you for sharing!
cooool ideas and very inspiring indeed!….thanks for sharing.
Very Inspiring , Tomato sauce AD was the best 🙂
amazing & superb ideas for the ads i like that
I realy like the “Lets Change the Nture of e-waste”
Vert inspiring!I love it!Thank you!
I love the STIHL ad with the shaggy dog. I laugh harder every time I look at it. The message is so clear. Very appropriate. I imagine the person holding the uselessly small scissors saying, “Okay, I’ll start here…er, no..maybe here..uh…well, maybe…hmmm…”