February 8, 2025

Beautiful and Inspiring Workspaces

Browsing beautiful workspaces is a great way to get inspired. It’s also a great way to  get some ideas for your own office and discover how other people put their workspace together. So for today, we gathered a showcase of beautiful and inspiring workspaces to show you. Remember to click at the images to check out more about each space. And feel free to leave a link to show us your own office.

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

Beautiful and Inspiring Workstations

And this is where I work

Inspiring Offices


Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr


    1. Maegashira Reply

      At least two, which isn’t much. I’d guess PC users couldn’t be bothered to tidy their desks … but that’s probably just me 🙂

    2. aodi Reply

      Haha, PCs aren’t meant for beautiful spaces, otherwise they’d be beautiful themselves. Get back to your 6×6 fluorescent lit cubicle! ;P

  1. Michael Behrens Reply

    I built the desk myself making sure to leave plenty of surface space to draw. I like the natural, homemade feel of the wood and plenty of shelf space to keep my inspirational mementos and reminders of my family. The cat perch is vital to let them keep me company while staying off the desk.

  2. kent1 Reply

    it’s not real life. come on, let’s be honest, a desk is always messy with trashes, post it, pencils, coffee mug, old posters, craps etc. it’s ikea’s photos, you show us here !!

    1. Aymes Reply

      Totally agree! Even if i clean up my desk after a couple of hours it gets messy again. But hey, i’m not a mac user so maybe that’s the reason why my workspace is not so tidy. 😛 (according to the comments above..)

    1. Heather Reply

      It’s simpledesks.net
      I wanted to see more images like this so I went there and I thought I was trolled into going to some not-on-topic site. But, I figured it out now.

    2. Heather Reply

      Whoa! Total ripoff! I thought this article’s author must run simpledesks but they are out of the UK! This article could have just started with a link to the most recent posts on simpledesks and saved a lot of cutting and pasting. “I am dissapoint.”

      1. Gisele Muller Post author Reply

        Do you think the article is a ripoff because I used only their images? Maybe I did that because they are a website specialized in curating offices images, and they have the best ones… and maybe this is why I added a link to their page so readers could know more about each space. So I don’t think it is a ripoff.

        1. Heather Reply

          Maybe point out in the intro that all of the images are from simple desks. Credit the work of the original creator.

        2. Derek Kimball - DesignBuddy Reply

          To those who said Gisele “ripped off” the images from another site, aren’t you being a bit dramatic? She did link the images back to the “simpledesks” site she got them from. If anything, that site will benefit from the extra click through traffic.

  3. MAQ Reply

    I noticed the no clutter, don’t feel bad Earl, they were made to look like that for the photos. Personally, I found just about every one of those work spaces to be aesthetically cold and uninviting. I wouldn’t feel comfortable working in any of them. Sorry.

  4. dbd Reply

    Ok, am I the only one thinking it’s a really bad idea to place your workstation right in front of a huge window? How could you see anything with sunlight bursting in your eyes? (and none of them had like black curtains)

  5. Susan Kennedy Reply

    Love the simplicity of most of these work areas. Do we work better? Or are we just neater with less paper? I woiuld love to have a view in my office!

  6. Rick Reply

    A clean desk is a desk of someone who doesn’t do any work.

    I tried for a long time to get one of the ‘beautiful and inspiring’ workspaces, however I’ve found its next to impossible to keep it looking ‘tidy’ unless I want to spend my entire working day tidying up.

    My desk is clean, but its not tidy.

  7. Christophe Maggi Reply

    Nice collection, but i can’t image that it’s possible to work in such workspaces. I can’t show you my desk but it’s a table of 4 meters, with 5 screens, 3 keyboards and a mountain of papers … and my job is : webdevelopment ! My co-worker has the same desk in front of me.

  8. Elisa Reply

    All of these “workspaces” are too small, uninviting, and cold. The rooms they’re in are bland and give off no sense of creativity to inspire them.

    Maybe it’s just me, but because I use two screens, the small desk I have has room for my monitors, my mouse and pad, and keyboard. I love to sketch out wireframes and doodle when coming up with ideas along with taking notes ON PAPER because there’s something original and ‘right’ about it. None of these workspaces have places to do that.

    Let’s get real, no one is comfortable on a snazzy looking hard plastic chair for hours.

    It’s a nice collection of desk areas we think designers (should) use.

  9. Mike Reply

    LOL — workspaces for people who don’t work.
    These images would inspire someone with OCD but not the least bit appealing or practical for people who actually spend 10 hours a day working in that space

  10. Leah Sheely Reply

    These are fantastic, but I have to say, one little home office is easy to make look amazing. Most real work spaces are part of a sea of dusty office cubicles -yes, even for designers. I’d love to see some inspiring solutions to design studios and office environments for 10 or more people.

  11. Jay Reply

    You can tell no one gets any work done in these photos…because they almost all have Macs in them! Bazinga! No, actually because there’s not anything on their desks. (papers, post-its, pencils/pens, etc.)

  12. Gisele Muller Post author Reply

    Apparently I’m the only “control/cleaning freak” here. My office is the last one in the bunch and I have to say that I really keep it super organized all the time… and yes, I get my work done.

    You don’t need to have stuff all over to show you are working. In my case is the other way around, but I guess is because of the control freak part of me 😉

    1. Karina Larsson Reply

      A lot of those spaces are totally dead and NOT inspiring at all, but some are very sereene and would be great to start a day of constructive work at. I find however, that a desk full a creative work does get messy very quick and you always have to clean it up to make it look like the pictures. And to you MAC haters, did you ever try one? I traded my old PC in three years ago, and never went back. Never got any of those hick-ups that PC has either….I’m just sayin’

  13. estella Reply

    Pure coincidence. I am in the process of creating a new workspace in a glassed in section of my home 8x3M) which over looks the Med and the Taurus mountains. The article was useful in that ı could see what I did not want. ı noticed that nobody had a sofa, which is for me essential for thinking.

  14. penny chaloner Reply

    These looked lovely, but almost none showed where the computer was (as opposed to the screen), and where was the printer, scanner, speakers, phone, hub, mouse pad, coffee cup? My desk is reasonably tidy, but full…

  15. Bob Bashore Reply

    Other than the work space surrounded by nature, I found most to be rather cold and too industrial. Live plants and creative containers make a huge difference!! They warm it up, add more oxegen to the area and tend to increase productivity.

  16. Louise Reply

    My company has implemented the similar sterile design nine months ago, and it is inhuman to work in. I get headaches from eyestrain from all the white. I put a purple cloth on my desk to give my eyes a rest, which is against the “New Way of Working” standards. I hate it. Give me a woodgrain desk and color on the wall. Even cublicles are an improvement. And what is wrong with having a drawer?

  17. Deb Reply

    It would be great if there were a similar article on “standing desks”. I’ve been trying to find the right balance between sitting/standing in my office and am looking for inspiration.

  18. jayjones Reply

    i think most of them are gorgeous for home offices that dont get used a lot, but mine certainly doesnt ever look like that, as much as I would like it to. I love the black clock desktop on the mac 8th pic down – can anyone tell me how to get that?

  19. Eileen Reply

    I really enjoyed looking at each image. Every space had their own interesting characteristic. At the end of the day, no matter how your space looks our inspiration comes from within.

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