July 26, 2024

Best Places to Find Seamless Background Patterns

Web Designers are always in need of background patterns. In an effort to reduce your time searching the internet, we’ve put together a list of the best sites where you can find seamless patterns.

Pattern Head

Background Patterns


Background Patterns

Brusheezy Patterns

Background Patterns


Background Patterns

ava7 Patterns

Background Patterns


Background Patterns

Pattern 8

Background Patterns

deviantART Patterns

Background Patterns


Background Patterns

Noqta Patterns

Background Patterns


Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.


  1. Mike Reply

    I enjoy making seamless background patterns myself. I play with Gimp and create lots of them but at the end I use only the ones that I’m satisfied with, so in other words I really love my creations!

  2. Alice Reply

    THANK YOU SO MUCH~ ♥ I’ve been looking for good seamless backgrounds for AGES and I’v never found any as good as these 🙂

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