A couple of months ago, we took a look at 28 Powerful Photoshop Lighting Effects. This time I want to show you some of the most incredible Photoshop brushes I’ve found that can be used to create similar stuff. If you have a project coming up that requires some type of lighting effect, you will definitely find these to be very useful.
Henry JonesFebruary 16, 200932 Comments07.5k
18 Photoshop Brush Sets for Creating Incredible Lighting Effects
Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
Stunning collection! I love it!
Once again, a great resource, nice job!
Awesome collection. Very nice – keep up the great work, guys!
truly amazing! I love it!
This is an excellent list. I’m looking forward to checking out the related posts, too, because the categories are different to the regular brush sites and that makes the content even more relevant to specific needs. eg. Tech interface brushes.
sigh…. why do people go to the trouble of making brush sets when they are only like 500px wide?
HELLO people, we live in the days of 13mp files being the standard, and not everything is going right to web. check out Bitbox for HIGH res brushes.
most of these, while nice. are TINYYY
so.. useless.
Nice list. Delicioused
These are great. Thanks.
this is very cool and i really need this for reference in my next project
let there be light … shooting sparkles
very good, thanks
Just awesome! the third one from top is what I was looking for.
Could be useful if i was doing light shows. Photo shop Brush Sets for Creating Incredible Lighting Effects
Looks awesome!!! Thanks for sharing!
So nice, a fabulous collection which truly enhanced my graphical skills.. Thanx 🙂
How can i donwload them ?
@dana – Just click on the image or title. Then follow the download directions on the page.
These are incredible. Thanks for gathering them all up.
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thank You!
Very amazing and fun!
Huge pack of brush sets!
Henry ROCKS!
Great list, gonna keep me busy!
Wow these brushes are well cool, Glow Brushes I is one of my favs. Going back now to do some more. Grate List BTW ! Bookmarked.
Thanks so much I’m edelihu, I feel so good xD
Amazing .. thanks so much
marvelous. glad to see.
Great list, gonna keep me busy!
Great! I love it!
Great list !
I like it
Thank you very much your burushes!
It’s cool!!
Really great list to save! Thank you for this brushes.