Seamless patterns are a great way to add a big impact to a web design without a lot of effort. Here are 223 of them that are absolutely beautiful. Whether you use patterns to fill the entire background of your site or just a specific area of your design, you will definitely find these useful.
Henry JonesFebruary 3, 200951 Comments012.3k
200+ Beautiful Seamless Patterns Perfect for Web Design
Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
The collection is fantastic,
Thanks for sharing!
Great collection !
Great patterns here, thanks for sharing!
Just what I was looking for! Thanks!
Wow, beautiful!!!
These are gorgeous and I am so glad I procrastinated one more day on a project I am working on. Now I have the perfect background to use.
Wow! These are incredible and I can’t wait to use them.
this are beautiful. Just the inspiration I have been looking for.
Wow, Very nice!
Stumbled, and Delicioused – great post! I’ll definitey be using some of those in the future 🙂
Very nice, keep posting
Beautiful. Nice list.
Great collection. Thanks!
Great collection, thanks for sharing!
You posted these for me, didn’t you? 😉
@Chris Wallace – How did you know? 😉
As you say …absolutely beautiful!
Great patterns! Thanks for sharing your finds!
Wow.. sweet.. I <3 it
Thanks a lot.. 🙂
Beautiful. Nice list.
Thanks! This will help me out a lot!
looks great! some of them seem like China style.
very nice patterns thanks..
Nice collection here.
Beautiful… thank you so much… Really nice collection! Keep going!!
Well researched and a great set of patterns. Thanks for sharing.
Just saved me from doing another gradient bg. thanks! lol
These are great. I love patterns. My partner and I run a site where we blog about art and design. We also have a gallery where we make and give away wallpaper patterns. We’ll even do requests sometimes when we get them.
There patterns freebies are common these days. But I find this set very useful… Thank You
I actually not into the use of reptitive patterns at all ;-). But if you are, this is a great resource though.
Patterns are a great way to spruce up a design. My partner and I make patterns for people to use as desktop wallpapers, but have found that many people use them for their designs like twitter.
Wonderful pattern!
thanks for share
Thanks so much for sharing. These patterns are realy beautiful.
I Really like the Softly Plaidly- Peachy Keen, maybe I use they to my website:
I am a web designer/developer, but I love making pattern and shape resources. You can find additional goodies here:
Cheers, Camxso
This is a great list of hard-to-find patterns. I’ll definitely find a use for these and pass this link on to others.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Beautiful stuff – thanks for this. Adding to my bookmarks for a rainy day!
Thank u so much… I like this..
Fantastic collection!
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Some of these are great, some aren’t. Thank you for sharing the resources anyway!
Thanks a lot, it’s very useful patterns!
Anything for Lycra?
Men you are the best,what a big collection,nice work,thanks for you and your work
This is a great collection of patterns. Thanks for sharing.
Nice resources..
thanks for sharing 🙂
Very nice collection!
Some really nice stuff. Like always: Thanks for sharing!
Lovely stuff!! Thanks for sharing very helpful resources.