If you have been designing web sites for any amount of time, chances are you’ve had to design some type of mapping feature on more than one occasion. You’ve also probably had a difficult time trying to find a quality map. The following list should solve this problem. There are over 20 free vector maps and globes here.
Henry JonesApril 27, 200924 Comments07.8k
Extremely Useful Geography Vectors: Maps and Globes
Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
Useful stuff here. The 3d vector globes and the world map dotted.
I’ve found it hard in the past to find good examples of maps and globes, so this resource will definitely be bookmarked!
What a great list! Thanks for taking the time to pull these together! That vector tech map is clever.
devidamente tuítado 🙂
nice geography vectors thanks for the list..
Awesome! Thanks!
does anyone have any vector maps of US states?
A few more >> https://resources.bloguite.com/tag/map
Great list!
Wish you had posted this a few months ago. Seems like I also find things after I needed them. =)
Great stuff, thanks!
Great resource. Now time to bookmark this properly as to make available for later 🙂
Brilliant list. Thanks.
WDL is my new favorite design blog- you guys consistently post quality over quantity.
This is a life saver. It would have done better at saving my life a couple weeks ago when I was I was working on a logo, but I’m sure I can use this for the future.
And such a variety!
Your blog is a rich source of information on IT topics. Liked it, will bookmark it for later!
nice stuff! thanks for shareing it
Got here via Twitter. Very usefule maps… Thanks!
Hi I’ve got one mention. Why designers’ geography knowledge is so bad ? 🙁 There are some old data in the dezignus map. For example – there is no Czechoslovakia anymore (now there are 2 countries – Czech & Slovakia – tens years old change).
PS. Some of them are really amazing.
What a great set of globes and maps. The best is that they are free. Thanks for sharing this!
The best collection of vector maps I’ve ever seen. Have been looking for a long time. Thanks!
Thanks for the map, a very great selection ! 🙂
just found this adorable vector globe pick. pity that vector world maps link broken.
these earth vector graphic would work for business website headers. bookmarked
very nice…! The best collection of vector maps I’ve ever seen.And The best is that they are free. Thanks for sharing this!