Something we hear over an over in the design world is that less is more. Even though using that statement has become a bit cliche, it is true – especially when it comes to logo design. Sometimes designers can get carried away with trying to incorporate too many complicated elements into a logo. It’s better to keep things simple and make use of clever negative space and typography. These types of marks are usually far more effective and memorable. To inspire you, here are 20 Examples of Simplistic but Effective Logo Design.
Henry JonesAugust 6, 201033 Comments09.2k
20 Examples of Simplistic but Effective Logo Design
Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
A really inspirational collection!
These are all quite incredible! The originality is amazing. A lot of times when you see cool-looking logos, they may not necessarily properly depict what they’re trying to represent. However in this case, it’s clear what they all mean. I think my favorites are Xavier Fence, Freedom, PixelFlow and Boy
Great list of logos, simple and really creative. Favorites… almost everyone of them.
Musicpoet and Dailyjazz are my favorites. Great collection.
I read the first logo as “1 on One”
Don’t know why, but I somehow read the first entry (ONE) as NINE. Must be tired.
Nice logo design, thanks for the inspiration
Really awesome logos!
Nice collection, but I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
FYI: don’t confuse simplistic with simple.
To echo Zach and Harrison there is a big difference between being ‘childlike’ and ‘childish’.
Referring to something as ‘simple’ can be, and often is, a compliment while ‘simplistic’ simply cannot be.
Great post! The logos are simple, but you can directly say what they mean. My favourites? All of them 🙂
Great logos. I like everyone of them.
Brilliant collection! Simplicity says the most. Love Music Poet, Business Airlines and Oak Brothers.
Thanks for sharing
Really a nice set of logo’s that any new company/ business can draw inspiration off of when looking to create new logo. My personal favorites are One and Media Labs.
Excellent pics. One of the biggest problems is trying to keep things very simple yet express a lot within those confines. I had this issue when I was designing my own logo recently. Designers that just do logos all day are truly Gods as far as I am concerned. Very, very hard work.
these logos are awesome. I love the oak brothers one!
Love the simple but effective designs!
Great collection of logos, thanks for including LFD as a source.
I like the simplistic and clever logo designs above, some utilize the positive and negative space to manipulate the logo design.
I love these minimalistic logo’s. Some are very good in my oppinion. Feel like emergancy road service doesnt fit this list to well though. Anyway great list.
Most people don’t know how complicated great simple design is. Fabulous!
Every single logo here deserves a medal or something :D.
Impressive and clean!
I read the 1st logo as “One Line” – is there any consensus?
Great inspiration…simple but deep!
Great logos, though the majority are self-initiated by designers rather than being for actual existing companies.
Really good logo designs, all great and I really enjoyed freedom
Really awesome logos! Cheers
Lovely logos, amazing collection! LT
Wow! Beautiful logo compilation, Lovely share, cannot pick a favourite!
awesome post.. some of the logo makes you think before you get it.. 🙂
Thanks for the include! Really appreciate it! Some nice logos up there for sure.
Oh, nice collection there, Henry. I shared some tips on Effective Logo Design on my blog..
You might wanna check it out!
i like the jazz one. it’s really cute. i also really like the news rocket one. that one was awesome.