March 4, 2025

Colors of Life

Have you ever imagined life without color? We are so used to seeing colors that they have become something we take for granted. We can judge the significance of colors with the fact that most are associated with our emotions and different activities in life. White symbolizes peace, red symbolizes both love & anger, yellow is for friendship, green implies jealousy.

All colors have their own place. But what if our life had no colors? How would things look, and most importantly, how would our pictures look? For this post, we’ve collected around 30 examples to show you the importance and significance of colors in our life. Check out how colors add a zing, and gives new life to these images.

A magical place

black and white A magical place

A magical place

Girl and a Dog

black and white Girl and a Dog

Girl and a Dog


black and white Explosion


In the forest

black and white In the forest

In the forest


black and white 015


Morning Floating Market

black and white Morning Floating Market

Morning Floating Market

Inside the Octagon

black and white Inside the Octagon

Inside the Octagon

World of fairy tales

black and white World of fairy tales

World of fairy tales

Moon Holder

black and white Moon Holder

Moon Holder

Between legs

black and white Between legs

Between legs

Godzilla’s footprint

black and white Godzilla's footprint

Godzilla's footprint

Life in Technocolor

black and white Life in Technocolor

Life in Technocolor

What inside Hot Air Baloon

black and white What inside Hot Air Baloon

What inside Hot Air Baloon

Crystal Mill Trails Winter

black and white Crystal Mill Trails Winter

Crystal Mill Trails Winter


black and white Nebeleinbruch



black and white Psycheduckic


Volvo Amazon

black and white Volvo Amazon

Volvo Amazon

Poppies on the wind

black and white Poppies on the wind

Poppies on the wind


black and white bokeh



black and white *



black and white DSC_0332


the catch

black and white the catch

the catch

My Pose

black and white My Pose

My Pose

Putrajaya Mosque

black and white Putrajaya Mosque

Putrajaya Mosque


black and white København


little red

black and white little red

little red

nice mood

black and white nice mood

nice mood


black and white Snow-moon



black and white Mess


No Place for Two

black and white No Place for Two

No Place for Two


black and white Untitled



black and white Taeniura


Antelope canyon sunrise

black and white Antelope canyon sunrise

Antelope canyon sunrise

The Gray and the Colors

black and white The Gray and the Colors

The Gray and the Colors

Green Eyes

black and white Green Eyes

Green Eyes

The Prayer

black and white The Prayer

The Prayer

Night To Remember

black and white Night To Remember

Night To Remember

Dubrovnik bridge

black and white Dubrovnik bridge

Dubrovnik bridge


black and white 012



black and white Dreamscape


Planet earth?

black and white Planet earth?

Planet earth?

black and white Twilight in the mountains

Twilight in the mountains


black and white Untitled



black and white Rainbow



Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.


  1. Erik Reply

    Simply stunning. One of my favorite parts of designing a website is choosing a color pallet pulled from a photograph. I’m certain this post alone will keep me coming back time and time again, thanks!

  2. Frank Reply

    Really stunning pics. and it really shows the diversity that you achieve in working with colors. Good inspiration on a spring morning 😉

  3. jason Reply

    well yeah. but the photographers have fiddled with the colours far too much (on most of them anyway). Talk about re-touch overload. I guess that’s the way photography is going these days.

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