Whether you need to display content within a limited amount of space or you just want to make a section of your website more engaging, jQuery is an excellent solution. With jQuery you can easily create accordion style content boxes, image galleries, and content sliders. Here are 14 excellent jQuery plugins for adding this type of functionality to your site.
Henry JonesOctober 23, 200914 Comments06.3k
14 jQuery Plugins for Enhanced Content Viewing
Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
I was looking for something like this since I love jquery and I found it. 🙂 Great List!
thanks for this great post.
A nice summary of very usable plugins. I’m using the jCarousel, but this one is not working in Safari unfortunatly… I’ll have to find another one, so any suggestions would be fine 🙂
Great post!
Paul, have you tried jQuery Cycle Plugin? Works really nice! https://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/
Very nice Plugin, thanks.
Great Post !!!
Thank you !!!
I like this combination of Galleria and jCarousel
Works in Safari 4 Mac for me.
There are some tweaks to be made to this implementation but this is a good starting point. Not sure how updated Galleria has been lately. The back button does not work as expected when landing on a gallery but other than that I love this combo.
Thickbox no longer supported. I like lytebox.js
Thanks for the list. some definite classics/regulars on it but also some I’ve never seen but will have to check up on (like “Inner Fade”)
Nice list! Although for a lightbox, I would recommend ColorBox instead
Web Design Ledger has never let me know with a disappointing post, and I have to say this is just another gem in the collection. Nice post guys thanks for it!
Innerfade can be an excellent flash alternative. Good list.
Great post! I gave it a stumble.
A couple of tools I use are and suggest:
Likno Web Modal Windows Builder (jquery modal windows):
Likno Web Tooltips Builder (jquery tooltips):
they have done great work