Textures can certainly add a nice touch to a web design, giving a page personality and depth. From textured backgrounds to texturized overlays and even textured design elements, there are several different ways of adding texture to a website. So for today, we’ve rounded up a collection of stunning sites that take this approach.
InspirationWeb Design
Gisele MullerOctober 14, 20137 Comments02.8k
15 Beautiful Texturized Web Designs
Gisele Muller
Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr
Really like Riot Design website, the full screen background helps to make the website stand out!, great article.
Great list! I would also check out my company’s site for a use of texture as well! https://www.mediacross.com/
I love the humblebee one.
Some beautiful examples of great design here. Thank you! I’m always looking for inspirations to build new web layouts for our program, and this is some great inspiration for my designers.
Stunning examples! This is great inspiration! I love Riot. There site is just attractive; great UI
So great collection. I love textures and even used a subtle pattern on one my website 🙂 Seems to be Riot a leader in this collection, as I like it as well, but like the retro feel of Orchard Keepers as well.
I liked Chichester Design more than the rest of the designs but overall great list, love the trends 🙂