March 14, 2025

19 Inspiring Examples of Text Over Images in Web Design

In web design there are a lot of combinations that deliver a beautiful page, including the image + text duo. Combining beautiful images and nice/readable text can result in a eye candy touch that will get your user’s attention. To show you that, today we gathered some inspiring examples of the image – text duo in action. From big images and text to small headers and delicate type, there are different approaches here, enjoy.

Let us know if you are interested in an article showing more techniques and tips on text over images in web design.

Mount Chapel

19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design

Frank Digital

19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design

19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design

The Jacky Winter Group

19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design

Playground Inc.

19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design

Joe’s Garage

19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design

Ada Blackjack Shop

19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design

The Space InBetween

19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design

Smog Bicyclettes

19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design

Makers Quarter

19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design


19 Inspiring Examples of Text over Images in Web Design


Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr


  1. Tim Reply

    We went this design direction with and have really liked the outcome. It makes the text pop and really adds a sense of story to the site.

    One word of warning. If your site is responsive, check out how the text looks over the background when the dimensions have changed.

  2. Jason Reply

    These are really great examples. It is tough sometimes when putting text on top of images because you risk the amount of contrast. I’ve learned that it is more important that user is able to read you text then it is just to make the type look stunning. Thanks!

  3. Lee Reply

    I would love techniques and tips. I’ve really gotten into this for our church media and it works really well

    1. Gabriel Reply

      I second that notion, Lee! I love the aesthetic this look can provide, but it can be difficult to pull off at times. For instance, sometimes white text on white/light background works and sometimes not so much.

      What makes it work and what should we avoid?

  4. Edison Reply

    Definitely some great websites, but I feel the some of these examples are debatable. One of my biggest take away from my current job is function and placing dark text in shadowed areas (smog bicyclettes) or white text over white walls (frank digital [2] / kilowatch / ada blackjack shop) is a bit dangerous– harder to read.

    I feel the “Hangar” and first / orange themed “Frank Digital” design are the leading designs to follow in our pool of websites. Both examples do a great job in having text visibly pop out / easily readable within the user experience.


  5. Gilly Vincent Reply

    Luv joe’s garage, Idiom, Sweez & Frank Digital and would luv the simplicity of Ada Blackjack shop if the white text was not being lost in the picture. Unfortunately I am I the belief that you need to be able to read a main heading. Sorry to be like that as I really like the design.

  6. Peter Hindrup Reply

    If text over is not readily readable, it serves no function. If iut serves no function, how do you justify putting it there?

    I wouldn’t like to be attempting to sell a client on a good many of these designs.

    It is not about how ‘pretty it looks, but how effect is at grabbing attention, getting people to stop and read it. If they don’t, it matters not how ‘great’ the website is!

  7. Gavin Reply

    I saw some really cool examples of text over images, images which contains textual material not only provides information to clients but looks effective as well.

    1. ExRed Reply

      Then think again. Images are not the only thing a website consists of. Besides, some companies just have a lot of text that needs to be on the website and this has to look good too (blogs for example).

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