It is no a secret that a logo is one of the most important elements of identity design. People might not remember you, but they will definitely remember your logo. That’s why every company should have a well planned identity design in order to send the appropriate message to their clients, and build the awareness of the brand. Today I would like to talk about the personal branding and logo designs of creative individuals.
In order to stand out from the crowd and succeed, designers should have a strong personal brand and a memorable logo. In this way it is easier to build trust and authority in the market. For this post, I have collected 30 smart, simple, professional, clean, stylish and all-in-all creative logos of web, graphic, identity and fashion designers for your inspiration.
A good stuff…more inspirations..Thanks for sharing!
Very nice logo collection.
Especially I like breon new logo as I have worked with this company and this new “face” looks great.
The logos look professionalism ! thank you.
Nice collection, thanks!
What do they all have in common? Simplicity and ingenuity. Love the eagle inset example!
Dang, I was hoping mine would be on the list!
It would’ve been cool to see the company’s name’s though? Not on the logo but just as a caption.. but in all seriousness, really good post!
I’ve always quite liked our logo: a mix of the “P” and “D” from our name (Pragmatic Design) made to look like speech marks (design is about communication) and a little like the Ying Yang symbol.
It’s difficult to judge these out of context. If it weren’t for your headline and copy I’d have no idea what type of service the companies offer. Great design work but not much here in the form of communication.
Very nice collection of Logos. I really like the John Williamson logo.
agree, nice selection of creative, clean logos. agree also that in this context, several leave me wondering what they are or mean.
Well I don’t know why I made it to this list(I am only 15 and love to make logo stuff), I think there are lots of better designs, but thank you for the highlight, I really appreciate it
Correct me if I am wrong but is that logo (about 13 up from the top) a freaking swastika? I mean seriously, you were inspired by the nazi’s symbol for terror and hatred?
Again, correct me if I am wrong.
Please for the love of all things holy educate yourself on the swastika. It’s use is all around you and it’s origins have nothing to with terror. Seriously check out patterns in architecture and fabrics all over the place.
I get it, I know that they symbol itself is very old and has many uses. That’s not the point. They symbol has been “ruined” or tarnished by the nazi’s, so I don’t know why you would want to use something even slightly familiar. Millions upon millions of people would see that shape and immediately make the association. Just because you don’t, doesn’t mean this guy won’t offend or turn-away tons of potential business.
Hello Nick, I get it too. My ex just got a swazzy you know the cool term for a swastika on her back right before we had child custody and divorce court. She pulled the same “it’s an ancient Indian symbol” crap. I agree with you it has been ruined ever since Hitler decided to use it and several millions could be lost business wise due to the association with it. We cannot always think that the general public will be as educated as the design. This is a nice design but I don’t think it would work out well over the general market of advertising and could cause a loss in several jobs and an extreme amount of money.
These ooze classy simplicity! Thanks for sharing.
Helveticbrands rocks!!
chopen logo is very similar to my logo.
Nice collection. I like logomotive and just creative the most. I tend to go for simplicity and strong lettering. It is a nice chance for some creative freedom compared to some client projects.
In my sight Logomotive and Idgram are best logo design in the list.
Nice Collection. Like to thank you for sharing you collection.
Nice collection man! I really like them!
I agree Locomotive is a fave, some are too simple for my liking and yes #13 does have a hint of a swastika (but only because someone mentioned it above). Overall nice collection, but i would have loved to have seen some young up and coming designers logos to see how they fare against the more established designers and design houses. Thoughts?
Really great collection. Logo Motion is my favorite. These are all simple yet cool.
I stopped and had to take a second look at number 13 because it reminded me of a swastika also. I don’t know if it would stop me from using them but when I talk about the logo I would probably describe it as a swastika.
Very nice, amazing what designers can do, most of the time the client prevent these amazing things to happen