Your logo is your face. It is how you present your brand to your audience. It is how you want people to see you. Designing the right logo is a very tricky process, especially because you want to visually impress your audience without overwhelming them. You want to get their attention for the right reasons. This is why I love minimal logos. Following the trend of minimalism in web design, minimal logos can also be very inspiring. So today we gathered a collection of inspiring minimalistic logos to show you. Here you will be able to see that a lot of times the simple path can deliver amazing results.
Gisele MullerMarch 26, 201312 Comments121.8k
30 Minimal Logo Designs for your Inspiration
Gisele Muller
Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr
Stunning! Thank you for all the great resources on this site. ♥ love it all!!!
Like the simplicity and clean feel in all of these! Thnx for sharing.
Some gorgeous looking logo designs there, sometimes simple is definitely better. Despite being so simple they can still take ages to come up with a winning design!
The simple logos are always the best- Shell, Apple, Nike….
This is not a selection of minimal designs.
This is just browsing dribbble’s popular page for the last day.
Seriously with the profusion of work out there, it’s not difficult to come up with a coherent selection.
This article is lazy and misleading.
Written by “Gisele Muller is someone that recently discovered a new career online.” Yeah, well.
Cool logos. Very classy. They turn out to be like the popular ones. Guess they started out that way.
I like some of these, but they are really mainly font treatments – not alot of ingenuity in this sampling.
Again and again great inspiration.
Nice collection!
I think you’re confusing “minimalist design” with “lack of design”
These look like stereotypical Graphic Design exercises from sophomore year in college.
wow.. Is the author really getting paid for putting together a collection of dribbble shots? I wanna do this job too
I like the logos and I agree sometimes simple can be better, because more people tend to recognize them, but it can also be boring too, which I guess sometimes creativity has to be sacrificed.
Mdeical-Equal is my favorite…simply conveying the concept clearly. Access of every thing is bad. its very hard to represent multiple concepts in one logo. In first logo the designer have done it awesomely.