January 22, 2025

30 Relevant Design Examples of Video Backgrounds

It’s often the little details that really take a layout from good to amazing. Button styles and colors aren’t enough – you have to consider the value of icons, photos, and definitely videos. Background elements can add depth and layering to an otherwise simplistic design.

Video backgrounds are insanely popular now that video recording is much more commonplace. But not every video can work as a background – you have to consider how a video fits into the website’s overall theme. Video background techniques can also vary based on certain libraries and their level of browser support.

The following examples showcase the most interesting and relevant video backgrounds in modern web design. These are perfect for new or experienced designers who want to understand more about the fundamental design concepts behind video BGs for the web.


design and manufacturing agency

Digital Tutors

digital tutors elearning video bg

Urban Influence

urban influence video background

Bob Wassermann

freelance bob wassermann website

Fresh Design Studio

fresh design agency studio website

Powerhouse Company

powerhouse company website design video

Purple Rock Scissors

purple rock scissors agency

Brindisa Tapas Kitchen

brindisa kitchen video background restaurant


panoptiqm video bg

Active Theory

active theory creative design agency


adaptable digital video agency homepage

Axe Matte Effect

axe matte effect video background

Studio Pie

studio pie design bg video

WinShape Camps

winshape camps video bg effect


monsorr design website homepage

Designmodo Startup

designmodo startup video bg


geckoboard background video design

The Obakki Foundation

obakki foundation video bg

Acunity Unite

acunity unite dynamic website

Crop the Block

crop the block video background


demodern digital agency website

Dadaab Stories

dadaab stories video background effect

Project Skin

project skin vancouver website video bg


mood board film manufacturing studio

HLK Agency

hlk agency video bg hughes leahy karlovic

24 Hours of Happy

24 hours of happy website video

Louis Ansa

louis ansa interactive portfolio

Build Films

build films website design video


pushreel custom video background footage


kalexiko design agency homepage


Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.


  1. Hemang Rindani Reply

    Really good listing.

    Today, a design without relevant background is like a desktop without an operating system. Background helps in making any complex content look beautiful. Visuals have an outstanding ability to engage people for a longer time. Selecting a background that is relevant to the topic is vital. Use a background that enhances user experience and help them to connect to the content.

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