December 14, 2024

Browserify adds modules in the browser

Browserify uses a NodeJS-based system that allows developers to use the require command with modules directly on the web browser.

It’s compatible with a voluminous number of browsers including IE7-10.

To get started visit the articles page for help & FAQs. There’s also an incredible Browserify Handbook on GitHub if you have the patience to check it out.

Node users will definitely want to visit the Node Browserify repo and learn how to install from there. It’s surprisingly simple and offers an incredible amount of control to developers.

Browserfy website

You never realize how much can be accomplished in the browser with these modules until they’re at the tips of your fingers.

To learn more simply visit the website or send a tweet to the official Twitter account @browserify.

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website

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