February 15, 2025

A Showcase of Clever Negative Space in Logo Design

Negative space is the space around and between the main objects in a design. This space often goes unnoticed, unless a creative designer is able to turn the negative space into a key element of the design. Logo designers often use negative space in a way that it becomes just as important as the positive space in conveying the meaning of the logo. Here is a showcase of logos that all possess creative use of negative space.

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logo design


Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.


    1. Jason Sims Reply

      Yes, we all know about the FedEx arrow. That one has been done to death; I’m quite glad it wasn’t included in this gallery.

      The designs shown here are fantastic!

  1. Matt Reply

    Would somebody explain “ft” to me? I don’t quite get why it’s so clever. All the others look very clever, though.

  2. Chotrul Reply

    Really like all these … thanks for sharing them. Sometimes list type posts are quite mixed in content …. these are very nice indeed.

    I’ve always loved the use of negative space to convey ideas ….

  3. Hyder Reply

    The pendulum logo just blew me away. Awesomely simple and creative. I notice a lot of these logos have names that lend them selves to creative combination i.e. martini + house. I’m working on a logo for an organization that has a long clunky name and I’m struggling to get something really representative of the organization but at the same time is really cool and creative.

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