When you see punctuation as you’re reading, there is no need to stop and think, “What does that symbol mean?”. You instantly know. You were taught the meaning of punctuation at a young age and have probably encountered it everyday since. It’s this familiarity that makes these symbols effective as design elements, especially for logos. In this post we’ve put together a showcase of creative punctuation in logo design for your inspiration.
Henry JonesApril 14, 201023 Comments06.6k
A Showcase of Creative Punctuation in Logo Design
Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
I love seeing how creative people are with their logo designs. The people who can create these in my mind are amazing artists. It takes talent to create something new and refreshing from the seemingly ordinary.
Thanks for sharing.
Nice article, Henry. Wish you would correct the first sentence. “When you see punctuation as your reading…” should be “as you’re reading…”
Gotcha! Thanks for this great collection
wow, some truly amazing logos here!!
Cool Logo’s 🙂
My problem with a lot of these “logo’s” is that they are not for any real company, so you can be as creative as you want, come up with a name that gives the logo meaning. It’s much more difficult to actually design a great logo for a real company, with some boring name like “Wilcons Associates Ltd”.
While these a very nicely designed and clever use of punctuation, I’d be much more impressed to see real world logo’s with the same creativity.
I agree with what you say about these logos being for fictional companies. Seeing ideas such as these give great inspiration, but its difficult to put any ideas to use for many company identities.
Wonderful logos! Simple and perfect.
nice post.i like these logos.
I really like the codefish logo, very ingenuous.
Great post, I like the WHAT? the decision engine logo, an excellent use of negative space ends up in a great design
A great example of a genuine logo with brilliant use of punctuation is the London Women’s Clinic (www.lwclinic.co.uk), a fertility clinic whose advertisements are often seen on the London Underground at the moment. Gorgeous design.
Nice logo Collection. I love the Quote-nine, simplicity of the logo. Very nice
Creatively inspiring…great spead, thank you!
sorry…great sp”r”ead!
These examples are brilliant, I’ve never even though of using punctuation the way some of these have for logo design. It’s quite rare that I get a logo design job with what I do but I really hope I get something in the near future that has something I can use this kind of style for.
I really like quote kid, punch quotes and society 27. Some really well thought out ways of putting things together. I wonder how long it took the designers to do these or whether they just accidentally created it, (seems to be the way i create my best work!)
Thanks for sharing
wow… the logo “27” is fantastic!!!!
Before getting in to the post i was not clear how the punctuations are used in logo design. But after seeing few examples above i was surprised… This given some more creative idea in designing logo apart from using old usual concepts…
Some really unique and interesting logo designs using punctuation.
the “27” logo pops out.
You can see the designers’ effort.
There is the Canadian Press logo too
Mindblowing collection 🙂 .. \m/
These are so creative. Thanks for the great post!