Whether you’re a designer, developer, animator, or blogger, your workstation plays a major role in how you get things done. Some of us like a neat, clean, and inspiring workspace, while others require a crazy over-the-top hardware configuration.
In this article, we’ve compiled a showcase of photos that will give you workstation envy. The thing about workstations is that even if you have a nice one, seeing another awesome setup can make you a bit jealous.
This is my workstation …
Whoh… Now what’s what being a geek means. I greatly enjoy watching such workstations, it keeps me motivated to work day by day, perhaps someday I’ll get such workstation on my own.
All of them are great workstations. I wish I had such an environment in my workstation, currently not possible though with all the crap on my desk
Woah. And to think all I have for a workstation is my laptop and uber comfy bed :p
So where’s the part where I get jealous? I only see a few clean workstations, the rest is just a load of clutter and cables running everywhere, as well as a very unproductive environment.
That is the part where you get jealous….you dont have it.
Some great workstations! I prefer the minimal mac ones myself, I can never keep my desk that tidy!
Wow!!!Amazing workstations!!Maybe I’ll have such a workstation one day!!
Here is my:
Looks great but some are just too much.
We don’t really need to work with that much screens in order to survive in this IT world.
Heh, three of mine are up there xD
Some of them are just stupid, but some would be amazing to have.
I have two screens and I can see why some people might need a third one. But what’s the point in having more than three screens? It’s just ridiculous, I might even say retarded. Stop showing off the 8 screens because at the end of the day we all know you’ll just use it to watch porn.
Great collection. but some of them looks messy and most of them are so great that I might kick my work desk very soon
. Keep Posting.
Great post.
I think a lot of them are a bit over the top, but still some nice gear on show. I have only a PC and and a Power Mac, so I have serious workstation envy looking at these.
I can’t imagine the horror when working on six or more displays…
but i think in most cases you don’t need more than 3 monitors
my current:
Most of them look like the workstation of a casino supervisor who happens to be gay! its just theyre so messy. but just a few of them look professional. cause a professional designer wouldnt let its working environment negatively affect his creativity or limit the kinds of styles he can think about.
loved the grass thing. my next project needs a peaceful design, and that grass could help me a lot through it!
The 10th one is my favourite – https://www.flickr.com/photos/stewf/201497582/sizes/l/
I just love when there is so much natural light :).
i only have 1 monitor… an eizo SX3031W
Amazing, some people is just sick btw.
Awesome collection of workstations. Some Inspiring ones too.
Creativeoverflow’s Workstation will be online soon just waiting for another new Monitor.
So many screens, but so many ugly wallpapers
This is mine:
Some of the workstations are great and I’m truly envious…others just look like people are trying to see how many monitors they can possibly cram into a work area – what’s the point? Nice inspirational post.
I like about half a dozen, and the rest look like there were door-crasher specials at best buy! Cool, but I think I’d go crazy with more than dual monitors…
thanks for this post
now i’m really jealous…grrrr
I think a lot of these are over kill. Could have some fun with them though
You can not showcase a workstation without adding Stefan’s monstrosity.
I don’t see any purpose of having more than one LCD. Time of moving your head and getting focus to other monitor is same, as switching windows. Some time ago I had 2 monitors, but its really hard to work that way, so I sold smaller one. One 27″ fullhd is enough for me
I think the best workplace is the one with windows above head.
I am very jealous of many of these. I just wish I had a space I could set up a desk with. Maybe someday.
Loving the one with the little patch of grass under the monitor! These are awesome!
some realy nice ones, some not so great…I don’t see the big deal with the million monitors myself :p
meh….so somebody has a monitor just as a clock…..what a twat. Do you really need more than 3?
wow that really amazing. Really cool workstations. Making jealous to everyone.
Nice compilation, i always love another workstation showcase :). And yes it made me jealous.
Wow! Someday I’ll have something like that.
the mac workstations make me want to puke.
the windows ones are hawt though :3
So cool my workspace will make people jealous!
(It’s this one: https://www.flickr.com/photos/22837927@N08/3467399801/ )
I used to have a dual monitor setup before I used Macs but somehow I can work just fine on one in Mac OS X.
The funny thing is I hardly use Expose. I just [cmd] + [tab] to the app I need to work in and then [cmd] + [~] to cycle thought the windows.
I actually think having more than two monitors can be counter productive. I think that focusing on one thing at a time gives you better results, faster.
Plus using less monitors saves the planet :P.
cycling through the windows I meant.
very nice workplace
and thanks for the tip with [cmd] + [~]
Pretty brutal.. worth watching…
But let’s get real, for those of us who are always at a hurry trying to finish something are not close to have such a clean desktop…
Just so’s ya know, two of the photos show the same office but in different stages. Stefan Didaks old office and his new one are both listed, apparently.
I need a new desk! I’m jealous!
Articles like this really make me think 2 things: I can’t wait to get my own place, and I can’t wait to get my new 27 inch iMac!
wow…i now hate my desk (read: gray cubucle) even more….
How many of these guys are single??? I bet all of them
I’m a big fan of this space:
2Advanced Associate Creative Director Elder Jerez Jr
and then one day… Ill have this stuff..lol
I love this workstation…so clean https://webdesignledger.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/workstations_28.jpg
great workstation.. ^_^ makes me jealous too
The guy with “facial expression gradient” was funny although personally, I’d love to work at #10 (the attic-looking office with glass ceiling)
Wow! Table with grass… Best!
Like to know about the lucky people who work at these work stations.
Even though some of those aren’t really usable…. they are still awesome. I can’t see being effective above 3 screens just too much going on. (unless you are monitoring stuff)
I wonder if they’re work is equally amazing.
WOW.. #6 woks space is awesome. Great use of space.
oh… they made me jealous!!
You are right I am jealous. I am in the midst of building my office at home and this is great inspiration. I have the perfect office with great light and space all I need to have is the perfect setup and this is great inspiration.
Omg…want! |▓|)
The wide screen monitors are impractical; I find. With this age of blogging etc; its time they made them vertical.
It all depends on what you’re doing, once you have wide screen you’ll find square are well square. And the better montiors do rotate just like in the 9th picture from the bottom.
It’s pointless to have a lot of screens. 1 PC and 1 laptop are enough…
The “Procrastination Effect” must be unmanageable.
These look like my home office!
I hate the acumulation of screens in almost of the pictures… I think whit one or two Pc´s or notebook is enough. Minimalist is better.
Right. I’m jealous!
All these pictures that don’t show an unmanageable number of screens or have major glare issues look like cramped home offices. I think I’ll go for a standard cubicle with only one or two screens and possibly a laptop.
Now I feel less than adequate
that’s my dream……i’ll do!
I want to know what these guys do?
Fantastic! This looks like a nice dreaming collection of best desks! Now, I have a few questions on some!
I’ve recently moved up to 3 screens, feels like however many I get, I always want just one more.
“Work” stations? Indeed.
Nice collection – there are some set ups which are impractical and don’t think people need that many monitors. (one monitor as a clock – that’s ridiculous.)
Hopefully they also spend money getting renewable energy at their place.
Can’t help but notice the over abundance of Macs in this series. Having an apple product does not automatically make your workspace “fantastic.” Some of these are legitimate (skylights, anyone?), but many of these are just glamour shots of Apple hardware.
And I have to agree with Cotswolds: Always just want one more monitor. I have two, plus a 30″ TV, and I’m constantly moving back and forth between them all.
very nice
Cool! I want workspace like this)
Red Alert would die of happiness from some fo these.
I got 37 screens in my workplace, all of which serve an individual purpose 24/7. Wish I could post a pic. It would put the rest of these noobs to shame. Plus the view is one of a kind, and I get paid six figs for this…not including pennies. lol suckers
! ! ! !
These are so unergonomic. I feel sorry for these people.
Wow, those are amazing! This collection will make many geeks very humble.
I liked a couple but most of them looked too messy.
Seriously Larry? 37 monitors? LMAO I’m a computer programmer and I use 3 monitors, and make 6 figs. Assuming you had 8 computers on a kvm switch, each with 2 graphics cards with dual output, that’s still only 32 monitors capable of being used. So I guess you have like what, 9 or 10 computers running at the same time? I’d hate to get your electric bill… But being logical, I know you’re just trying to show off and make people think you’re cool. Some will believe you, but those who know anything about technology, bills and liars on the internet will see right through this. BTW, almost all of these setups are lame.
You beat me too it I was going to ask how many computers, video cards (type) and all myself. But he did say workplace not home office and if I were to count what my workplace has… LOL
I have a pretty nice set up. Just 2 screens. I would need to be a day trader to need more than 2 screens.
I suppose it depends what you do, but I really can’t see anything beyond 3 monitors being practical. It’s one of those things that intrigues me, and makes me want to watch over someone’s shoulder–I want to see these stations in use, and just how their owners make proper use of them.
Some nice setups but most of them are so DARK and/or cluttered. Am I alone in liking lots of LIGHT at my workspace?
Hey guys, I love blog posts with this type of content. So much that I created a website to go along with it. check out https://www.theultimateworkstation.com – we showcase a large variety of workstations, and allow you to tag them up with hyperlinks so others can find the cool products in your photo – online! Come check us out! Tell us what you think.
I’m so jealous of desk #6. Mine is never that clean!!
Do people actually use more than 2 screens at once?? I would love to see Larrys 37 screen set-up! – It must look like Dixons or a PC-Shop!
So having millions of monitors will make me jealous? I don’t think so. Two computers is probably the best setup, due to easy troubleshooting/fixes/multitasking/etc.
there’s nothing impressive here at all. they all suck equally.
I want #11! Very nice
Do people really need all those screens?
Really like the one with the grass, and the one with the tree trunk inside – nature in your studio is a good thing!
Like sitting in a NOC or an MCR with the screens right up to your face.. Wouldnt like to know how thse people would feel after sitting there for 8 hours 5 days a week no matter how cool it looks. lol
wow! some are amazing!! others are plan crazy andover the top!!
Helped me plan out my studio…
Maby poor, but this is my workstation:
Wow. .nice design. .
I’m surprised at the quantity over quality approach taken with most of these. Looking over the screens used, presumably, for visual design I’m shocked at the number of cheap TN panels. Yes, Apple fanboys, that includes the iMacs.
I saw one setup (#1) with Samsung SM206BW screens, which are about as good as TN gets, but if we’re working on visual design we should be spending our hard-earned on good quality IPS panels with decent colour reproduction.
Not too jealous. There’s only a couple that left me drooling
Thanks for sharing, I love workstations! They are truly inspiring! I save the images for collection
Wow! sometimes provide really nice and spacy out .. nice
There are some silly rigs out there, but all are so right but overkill
My personal favorite is the 6th workspace, but I can’t help thinking that it never stays that clean for long.
nice, the one with the green grass is good, helps calm down probably.
not jealous of the MAC owners.
I second this. It kind of pissed me off that there were some shots of normal workstations but with ONE iMac. Like really, what is there to be jealous of there? A clean desk?
And I’m not necessarily being anti-mac here (but I am), it’s just that a clean workstation with one computer doesn’t really make me jealous.
I would like to have such workplace :), but then I don’t know if this will not give me some headache.
Nice post!
true that mac user don’t even know what computers really are.
I’ve come to think that mac is the ultimate solution to everything now…after reading a few posts today…
BUT I use a HP laptop running Windows 7…
Well most of them have better workstations than me but mine is also cool, I have 4 screens
i like the title most rather than the workstations itself… anyways some of them are good and innovative… over all good post! thanks
Thanks for the roundup. Some really great workstations are featured here with soothing vibes.
We recently build our workstation with a minimal and clean mind set. We wrote a blogpost about it on our website, check it out at https://www.yummygum.nl/blog/minimal-mindset-in-de-yummygum-office
Wow, some awesome systems, but my GOD what are you doing with all those screens? I mean some of these shots put NORAD to shame.
Thanks for this article.
Pretty cool stuff! I’ve been thinking about just getting an iPad + a Mac Pro and ditching the laptop entirely.
A Mac Pro is disgustingly bad for for the price. Build it yourself and cut the cost be 50% and get better components while you’re at it.
Wow… yep, I’m jeolous.
I like what i see. Im moving soon, need to re think my office space…..
Jealous? No, not really, good work environment is more than having a couple of monitors.
These are amazing, i wish i had enough for a mac they’re so elegant.
I have to update the picture but check out my workstation setup: https://bit.ly/bjNhOp
Woah!! This is really cool!! I will include this to my list of goals!! ahaha..
Almost every one of those pictures has an Apple product in it. :). Mostly MacBooks.
So many bright lights will make one blind. But still an awesome collection of Workstations
I am so glad I actually have a life and get outside as much as possible. Poor fellows who built these contraptions did at least brighten up their basement hovel.
the second one doesnt make me jealous at all… it makes me feel bad for whoever owns a mac and a macbook… what a waste of money that could have been used to buy a good pc
There are many Xp users too… See 15th Image
OMG! 4th pic from the bottom, on the top shelf, the black & silver com with the blue circles, i have that same one
Must be really cool to see the windows vista computers when they’re all blue screened.
Extremely interesting post thanks for writing it I have added your blog to my bookmarks and will be back
By the way this is a little off topic but I really like your web page layout.
the ones with tons of monitors give me a headache just looking at them. would never want to get near those work stations. the 5th one just looks like some awful clutter. hahah. but i love all the simple clean spaces. i could actually concentrate in those!
Cool! I really start imagining mine after looking at these
I am jealous right now
I want workstation like that 
My 19 inch wide-screen monitor seems quite inferior now. I find that although a lot of these are absolutely brilliant designs, some of them to me look slightly cluttered. But overall some great ideas there!
“I could understand the Mom or I heart Wanda…But why the Reaper?” – Airheads
In other words…why all the screens? One even had his set up by the shower. They should post their light bill next to these pictures.
I like the burnt-out Xmas bulbs in the 5th pic down from the top. So tacky!
Wow I wish I had like half of those workstations lol Suddenly mine feels so bare and small
Seems like the term “Overkill is underrated” apply quite exponentially.
had a setup like that once. more screens doesn’t really improve productivity. one screen is enough.
The 10th one is amazing though.
That is some amazing hardware! I wish I had some of it.
I have one question.
How could anyone possibly make use of all those screens at once?
Some of those were amazing, especially the ones where the had two whole Apple computers and weren’t completely in debt!
If you could afford that many monitors in picture fifteen, why would you be siting on a folding chair??
I am fond of number twenty-seven. Comfort and research at my fingertips…valuable.
Painfully useless. Too many screens can actually reduce productivity.
Wow, how do you get something done if you have to focus on so many screens … that’s what I call multitasking
I am more for a neat and clean workspace. Pure and simple to keep you focused, but cosy though. Like the one with the tree in the room … would love to work there. Thanks for sharing this it’s pretty interesting to see how other people are working.
Some of these workstations look like they are controlling the huble telescope or something.
A bit less computer screens, but also nice:
WOW Great Workingcenter!!!
usually mac boys…:)
Interesting, but lousy ergonomics! If any of you are motivated to upgrade your workstations be sure to investigate proper ergonomics beforehand. Many of these users are suffering from back pain, neck pain, eye strain and other repetitive motions disorders. Flash isn’t always comfortable or productive.
hurr i need 3 macbooks all on one desk.
i was having the plan for setting such an workstation
thank u for the share dude
Half of these are macs. Why would I be jelly?
you know this showcase almost made me jealous and then i realized the majority of the workstations are macs….. so i lol’d
why is the 2nd picture on there? im not hating on macs, but its not special.
I really don’t understand the multiple screens. Can somebody explain that to me?
For me multiple screens = day trading (stock market)
A lot of programmers use multiple screens for fixing errors and writing code while also doing both synchronous and asynchronous communications.
as an digital animation student more screens equals more space to create witch is always needed
Once you have multiple monitors, you’ll never go back.
If you could afford that many monitors in picture fifteen, why would you be siting on a folding chair??
maybe it is because of those monitors that they cannot afford a better chair. O.o
There are many Xp users too… See 15th Image
Some of these are really cool, and others…just plain messy and cluttered!
Multiple screens come in really handy when you have to utilize multiple apps to complete consolidated task.
For example, I use 3 monitors:
Monitor 1- Hosted Databases for multiple client sites (45+)
Monitor 2- Test Environment Virtual Machine/Production VM
Monitor 3- Help desk software/email/web browsing
I can’t imagine having to do all that w/ fewer than say 2 monitors.
Fewer than 2 screens? like 1 screen?
multiple screens = “workstations that’ll make you jealous”??
I guess so… didn’t see anything inspirational in ANY of these pictures, except maybe #29… he’s got a lot of sh*! happening there!
Also, 28 and 30 are the same bloody workstation with different lighting…
Multiple screens are NOT the be-all end-all of workstation envy. They’re a common thing when you’re talking about a “work”station.
good call
28 and 30 are the same!
I’m jealous of the tree in number 10 lol
……….Creative thinking:)………
Apple are LAUGHING. Jeeeesus so much Apple.
Is it sad that I don’t find many of these workstations impressive? I have 4 monitors and a 55 Inch LED TV. Also my laptop.
Multiple screens are usually good for working with media, security camera/software, or stock trading, etc. Also if you want to see your music playlist while playing a game and display your social networking feeds. I definitely recommend multiple monitors for multi-taskers.
There are quite a few tasks in product development and visualization that require a multiple screen setup. For instance, when it comes to preparing visuals for immersive applications to be displayed on a gigapixel powerwall or CAVE, not every developer will have one of those connected to his workstation.
I’m happy to confine myself to the macbook-and-cinema-display solution though.
like the more simple ones and less monitor… –www.tonerrefillstore.com
Just think how difficult it would be to close if your parents walk in RIGHT when your watching porn on ALL the screens in pic 15 XD
i notice 1 problem with most of these set-ups, MAC OS-X
Well said.
All the images are really cool. Sometimes most of us need to monitor multiple tasks. For this purpose, its really awesome. It can also saves a lot of time.
love the lighting in workstation with ghost wallpaper
Fantastic, too many monitors in some of them though
Too much clutter for me….And not energy efficient….Money down the drain if you ask me for toys for boys….If someone wants to feel like cpt. Picard than maybe other than that 20+ ” inches is more than enough. And regarding running db software + Citrix / VM / rdp + ticketing tools + help desk software and whatever else you can think of, it can be done on 1 screen, 17″, worked like this for some time for a major IT company
Those workstations look so awesome! I would love to have one at home!
What is the need for more than two screens? A large screen is more than enough to do multiple workings..
Some of these are very pretty. But I don’t like multiple screens myself, even though I’m a programmer. Anything other than the one two feet in front of me is too far away, or too distorted by the viewing angle. They’re over rated.
I really love this one
however, multiple screens don’t know why.
Multiple screens are an absolute must if you are using more than one application at a time and want to be productive. For instance if you writing a document and in order to do that need to find information on the web, in other emails and perhaps from other documents. Multiple screens lets you view all information at the same time and saves you from having to flick back and forth between applications all the time.
Linux and Mac OSX also comes natively with virtual desktops so you can have several complete desktops that you can easily switch between. That’s a great feature for power users.
I’m a developer and have three monitors with 12 virtual desktops. So in reality access to 36 monitors when working but only three at a time. But three is just not enough for me so I’ve been looking to go to six monitors.